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Tsuki Wolf resist?


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I got him to the first 100% late last night and wanted to wait until I was fully awake to set the values.

I started with resists. I swear they were in the avg values when I started. I set phy and fire to 80. I figured I would not get Energy to 80 because cold and poison were decent. But it did go to 80.

I looked to see if I did them all and This is what I saw:


It used 222 points. Its still like this. I took him to kill a few things. I don't know what rage does. But its been a few minutes. I hope he stays like this. Maybe I am still asleep and this is a dream.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Nope it lasted until he died just now. It even did that on TC. Now he is just 80s resist...

What spell effect can I put on him to get resists to that lvl?


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Originally, I thought it may be the stone form of Mysticism gives it +3 to all resist, but, I looked at your new thread, it seems not. It is strange.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I rez thee dead thread :) This has been on my list to play with since you posted it. And I finally hit T on my list. Got it to over cap on this one and thus far the overcap has stuck after 2 deaths, releasing and re-taming, stabling and unstabling, logging in and out and trading 5 times among my Legends tamers. So I tried it on two more Tsuki and got the over cap resist on them and it did not sick on them after death. I will post how it stuck and specific what makes it over cap on my FB group. And it is unique to Tsuki wolves as far as I can tell.



Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Tyrath, how do I find your F*cebook group to read up on this fascinating topic?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thanks. That's quite an interesting story.
My own strange perverted pets are/were ones that somehow got a "pack." (You can't access the pack directly; you drop items on the pet to put them into the pack, and use the "drop" command to get them out again. There's a limit of 125 items and total of 400 stone.)

I have a dragon back from when all pets had a pack. I haven't gotten her out of the stable since the pet revamp, so I don't know if she still has it.
My skree briefly had a pack, and lost it upon death/resurrection. Again, before the revamp. I don't know how the skree got the pack.
There was this triceratops... I think it may have been a consequence of being a rare bandaging triceratops.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thanks. That's quite an interesting story.
My own strange perverted pets are/were ones that somehow got a "pack." (You can't access the pack directly; you drop items on the pet to put them into the pack, and use the "drop" command to get them out again. There's a limit of 125 items and total of 400 stone.)

I have a dragon back from when all pets had a pack. I haven't gotten her out of the stable since the pet revamp, so I don't know if she still has it.
My skree briefly had a pack, and lost it upon death/resurrection. Again, before the revamp. I don't know how the skree got the pack.
There was this triceratops... I think it may have been a consequence of being a rare bandaging triceratops.
Had a Cu that briefly had a pack a while back. I dropped meat on it to feed instead of veggies and the meat disappeared , instead of the pet shakes it head message. I dropped all kinds of stuff on it arrows, weapons, enhanced bandages, even a small pile of old faction silver. After it bonded I did the drop command and everything I had dumped on it fell out LOL. After that it just shook it head as normal when something was dropped on it. Never figured that one out or got it to repeat and just wrote it off as some ancient string of code floating around and randomly manifesting.