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Trying to find Isis

Dixie chessy/legends

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Hey guys. i attended a double IDOC , fel Atlantic yesterday. i was told these houses were owned by the same feller that had a castle fall on there also and that "just hear say" he passed away from Covid. I have a book in my back pack that he had wrote in since 2015, it was for someone very dear to him. A love letter that covered years of entries. 22 pages of a book dedicated to each moment he was missing/ needing this person in his life. I found it touching and was wondering if you guys could help me track down the person it was intended to go to, or atleast a close friend of his that might find this book to be a small treasure. the houses were located in the jungles of trinsic, fel Atlantic. i cant remember the name on the sign but the name signed in the book is Fallout Boy. any help would be great guys, if you can please contact me via icq 105811531, i tend to forget to look at stratics, but i would really like to see this book find its way to his friend Isis


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think I know the area. I do not know the person but I heard as well he passed a way. It was the area of linesman knights township if I remeber right. It always sad when I see a house fall. I do go to idocs but not as much as before becasue I have a feeling that most in the comeing months are becasue of covid. It's easy to assume they just quite the game but at this time with the pandemic I find it harder becasue 90 percent of the older homes falling are do to a death at this time.

I think most idoc people are there for items. When I do it I would rather get something to display to show that the person was not forgotten.

Sounds like a very heartfelt book I to wish it to be retured to the friend it is about. If that can't be done it should be put on display somewhere that would show the human side of the game.

I wish the devs could add something to game to remeber the unseen that we have lost to this pandemic.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What a great story, so sad too, I hope you find her :thumbsup:


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think most idoc people are there for items. When I do it I would rather get something to display to show that the person was not forgotten.

Sounds like a very heartfelt book I to wish it to be retured to the friend it is about. If that can't be done it should be put on display somewhere that would show the human side of the game.
Also the only reason I go to an idoc, to get an item with the player's name on it.

Dixie, I do hope that you find Isis.

Whitewolf of *VK*

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hey guys. i attended a double IDOC , fel Atlantic yesterday. i was told these houses were owned by the same feller that had a castle fall on there also and that "just hear say" he passed away from Covid. I have a book in my back pack that he had wrote in since 2015, it was for someone very dear to him. A love letter that covered years of entries. 22 pages of a book dedicated to each moment he was missing/ needing this person in his life. I found it touching and was wondering if you guys could help me track down the person it was intended to go to, or atleast a close friend of his that might find this book to be a small treasure. the houses were located in the jungles of trinsic, fel Atlantic. i cant remember the name on the sign but the name signed in the book is Fallout Boy. any help would be great guys, if you can please contact me via icq 105811531, i tend to forget to look at stratics, but i would really like to see this book find its way to his friend Isis
im pretty sure i know who that is, she used to go by Isis till she changed her name, i have her on ICQ, she no longer plays on atlantic but i will message her and see if it is her, pretty sure fallout boy is someone we both used to play with with.