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Trinsic outlaws Casca

  • Thread starter IronHorse
  • Start date
  • Watchers 0


Be it known to all the Realm that from this time forward "Lord Casca" shall be concidered a Rogue Traitor of the Realm by the city of Trinsic.
His presense within the Territorial borders of Trinsic shall result in his arrest and detainment until such time that the High Council and the High Court decide his fate.
If "Lord Casca" chooses to turn himself over to the custody of Trinsic then the quality of his meals would be taken into concideration during his incarceration.
Trinsic also wishes to extend an offer of safe haven for the Lady Dawn if she so desires it.
The Governors Mansion is at her disposal.

Governor of Trinsic
GM of The Forge of Virtue