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Triceratops...*lip fart*

I was psyched when I heard there would be a new triceratops tameable, but I'm pretty unimpressed and disappointed after experimenting with them.

My first complaint, there seems to be an issue with the piercing mastery it has. I haven't tested it on other pets, so it could be just the triceratops. I don't know if anyone else can relate with experiencing a lack of specials from them. It will use AI very infrequently, and Tail Lash slightly more frequently. I don't ever notice it using Bleed, and lord knows if the Thrust—and w/e the other one is—that I never see it use. It uses Tail Lash and AI so infrequently that I think it would be safe to skip on MR as it seems to sit on 90-100% mana at any given time—which I think is a good indicator that it isn't doing a whole lot more than those two specials.

I would expect this behavior if it had a large arsenal of spells to use as well, but it can't do magic. I would actually be ok with all of this, if it could at the very least learn an AoE like Aura of Nausea so it could debuff enemies while doing next to nothing but autos—nope. IMO if a tameable is barred from magic, it should be an absolute wrecking ball with specials.

I can't speak for the other mastery skills as I haven't used them yet. But if they don't iron out the script or w/e for piercing, I'm going to deem the the thing a turd with horns until further notice.

Anyone else have better luck?


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
I gave AI to Cu, it used this special attack roughly 2 - 3 tilmes a minute.

Leira of Asrai

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I am a returning player and new to the new pet training. I too was seeing very little specials being used on my fresh tamed Tri and I thought it was because I had worked it to have healing when I tamed it. I tamed a fresh one and took it out hunting, but it too used AI very infrequently and never used bleed.

When leveling it up, I put on Poisoning, which removed the Pierce abilities. I also added Armor Ignore. Now my Tri uses AI a lot and poisoning occasionally. Probably because the skill is still in the 40s.

I also wonder if the pierce mastery is broke. I will try taming a Lion, which comes with Piercing mastery and will also try adding it to a pet during leveling. I will report my findings here in case someone else is searching the forums for this same question.