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Treasure Maps Need Some Love.

  • Thread starter Prince Caspian
  • Start date
  • Watchers 1

Prince Caspian

Isn't it about time we made these thing more interactive, more valuable? Right now they are pretty much just a cheap alternative to toilet paper. They give crappy items (at all levels) and are far from worthwhile endeavors in terms of gold.

Also, The collector in Brit pays 8 points for an Adeptly Drawn. Which you could get for a mere 120 gold coins. Pathetic! I mean the gold *alone* in the chest would net you 200 points!

(RE the check he got from the newspaper recycler) "THIS wouldn't cover the gas I spent just driving to the grocery store to buy the TWINE to hold the bundles together!" -- Principal Skinner, The Simpsons

Old Man of UO

I sell some 50+ LVL 6's a week, pays the vendor rental fees. But ya, not really fun to do, worth the time to me.

Lord Sir Scott

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ok gripers, i challange you. go make a east and south facing tattered wall map from felluca maps only!

Fun Challangeing and lots of gold and Monsters....
Good Luck.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Also, The collector in Brit pays 8 points for an Adeptly Drawn. Which you could get for a mere 120 gold coins. Pathetic! I mean the gold *alone* in the chest would net you 200 points!
But you know, that you can turn in maps from already digged up chests? And that it doesnt matter, if it is tatered or not?


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
Treasure maps and MIB's ..... both.... but this has been said how many times?? And once or twice someone at EA said they knew and agreed but wasn't on the list of priorities for now.... so for now... the T-Hunter is pretty much shelved at least for me.


It would seem to me too be a good idea for EA to put a few extra people on the overflowing pile of projects that, either, haven't been implimented yet or are in dire need of attention.
Considering that in this time of economic crisis, EA and several other Gaming software companies, are making a killing.
In fact they are one of the very few markets actually showing GROWTH during this time!
So my challenge to UO and the dev staff, get the courage to demand a few extra personnel to help with your "to do" list.
While your at it, mark T-maps/MiBs, and west brit banks as your top priority on that "to do" list. God knows, you have done enough "balancing" of the PvP that they can last a lil while til the map/MiB issues are solved.
Come on spread a little dev love on a old issue. (not the one in........)


I havn't used my T-hunter in years. My fisherwoman brings up plenty of MIB.. she only keeps the Ancient SOS and tosses the rest in the trash.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
My fisherman is pretty well mothballed...... and my T-Hunter is only used to unlock chests..... but since I can't even get the blackrock chests anymore he's fairly useless too.