I've been reading these boards forever, and many times i have thought about adding my 2 cents, but I finally got frustrated enough. For many this may seem to be a minor thing, but I recently decided to make a treasure hunter. I'm doing level 2 maps and my character is fine with them. She can kill the badies that spawn, and all is good. Except that every level map apparently can spawn in the same areas.
To get to the point, and this isn't the first time it has happened, I recall onto an island to dig up my chest. Bam, whoever was there before me left behind an ancient worm, a titan, a collector of souls, and a lord of the abyss. My baby treasure hunter is dead before I know what hits me, and I'm stuck on an island with no healer.
There may be no easy solution to this. If certain level maps had designated spots, so that level one and two maps couldn't be at the same spot as level 5 and 6 maps, that would help. Or if the spawn could go away after the previous hunter left the area. Just takes the fun out of the hunt when the beginning chests end up with spawns like that.
To get to the point, and this isn't the first time it has happened, I recall onto an island to dig up my chest. Bam, whoever was there before me left behind an ancient worm, a titan, a collector of souls, and a lord of the abyss. My baby treasure hunter is dead before I know what hits me, and I'm stuck on an island with no healer.
There may be no easy solution to this. If certain level maps had designated spots, so that level one and two maps couldn't be at the same spot as level 5 and 6 maps, that would help. Or if the spawn could go away after the previous hunter left the area. Just takes the fun out of the hunt when the beginning chests end up with spawns like that.