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Treasure Hunter Doom Stealables Template - Rare Collector

  • Thread starter imported_JediSith
  • Start date
  • Watchers 0


I have a character called Jawa in Oceania that i would like to turn into a Doom stealable, IDOC and Treasure Hunter Collecter.. The template i was thinking was the following...

100 Stealing - of course
100 Hiding
80 Stealth
120 Ninja - animal form & Smoke Bombs to hide
100 Cartograph - or Snooping
100 Lockpicking
110 magery

710 cap

Str 100 30 100

questions i have are to steal - tokuno and doom stealables do i need snooping or is this only need to steal off others.. Once you have complete the 5 star puzzle, can you leave your character inside to steal the lamps and other stealables as long as you like or is there a time limit like peerless..

And any advice is welcome



100 Stealing - of course
100 Hiding
80 Stealth
120 Ninja - animal form &amp; Smoke Bombs to hide
100 Cartograph - or Snooping
100 Lockpicking
110 magery

[/ QUOTE ]

I'ld drop magery and lower ninja to around 100, maybe even 80 since you dont need to access all the animal forms, and you cant cast spells while in them. Also for transportation add in chiv, it only needs to be about 50-70, and then healing to heal and cure with. Just what I would do of course


100 Stealing - of course
100 Hiding
80 Stealth
120 Ninja - animal form &amp; Smoke Bombs to hide
100 Cartograph - or Snooping
100 Lockpicking
110 magery

710 cap

Str 100 30 100

questions i have are to steal - tokuno and doom stealables do i need snooping or is this only need to steal off others.. Once you have complete the 5 star puzzle, can you leave your character inside to steal the lamps and other stealables as long as you like or is there a time limit like peerless..

And any advice is welcome

Yeah I agree with DVI Magery isnt worth it cause with chiv you can cure and heal faster and also have transportaion without the headache of puttin a decent reg suit together.As for your question Snooping is only for opening backpacks(example:player backpack or packhorse pack.)So drop the snooping.