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Treasure Chests in Wheat Fields

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Does anyone have any advice on how to get things out of a chest that spawns in a wheat field? No matter where my character stood next to this chest, she couldn't pull anything out of it. I clicked on all the visible "growing wheat" near the chest to turn it into sheaves and move them. Also waited until all the corpses from the initial spawn were decayed and still couldn't get anything out of the chest. It also never did spawn any guardians after I picked the chest and tried to remove stuff. I just kept getting the message that something was in the way and couldn't take anything out of the chest.

Thanks for any advice!

wheatfield chest.jpg

Barry Gibb

Of Saintly Patience
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The tricks I know of:
  • Stay One Tile Away - Sometimes the "something" standing in the way is YOU. It sounds silly that you can stand in your own way, but apparently you can.
  • Reset the Map Location - If you find another map for a wheat field, wait 30 days and it will reset. You will be able to decode the map again and get another location.
Stayin Alive,


Tina Small

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thanks, Barry. I'll try standing one tile away the next time. My instinct was, of course, to get as close to the chest as I possibly could!