hmmmm I am pretty sure that is not right..... I remember having 55 necro at trav before and it never casted a single necro spell.Any level, even if it's jewelry. The guild I play with sometimes asks everyone new if they have and disco even on the jewels, and we have been down in with Trav and someone forgot to switch a jewel out and that was not a fun fight, we managed eventually but it was a lot harder.
So just cause it wasn't me that had the dsico doesn't make my assesment accurate? I play with these people all the time same chars, and since you can't stealth in without being partied and I know this person has a jewel he swaps out just so he can do a trav. He forgot once and that same time Trav was discoing everybody. So Maybe not personally tested, but know the circumstances behind it.If anyone that actually have tested this please post correct info
I went to try to solo Travesty with 49 chivalry.
Skill must be greater than 50.Anyone remember at what skill level does Travesty start copying skills from the character it mimics?
It used to be on the old forum threads but it is no longer there....
Any information on this would be great thanks