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[Fishing] Trapped in Fisherman's Hell !!!



whenever i finish a fishing quest and want to dry-dock my boat, i can't because i automatically received a new quest and crate in my ship's hold. since i do not dare to cancel the quest (loss of reputation) i am henceforth trapped in fisherman's hell and probably have to do fishing quests until the end of my days......

anybody else having these issues?

Kas Althume

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I don't have that. When i have completed a quest i just doubleclick the target fish monger and it plays a sound and gives me the reward. Only if i doubleclick him again after that sound i can accept a new quest.

Which client is it by the way?

PS: My Fisherman's Hell is the Rock-Lobster Fishing. Every second quest i get has it. How long do we have the expansion by now? Right .. 2 weeks .. and i have finished only 14 quests so far because of those stupid lobsters. :sad4:


i use the enhanced client.
each time i double-click the fishmonger to complete a quest, when i go back to my boat i find a new chest in my hold, although i didn't get a new quest from the fish monger.

also, the 15 quests i got were all shore fish quests, no crab, lobster or deep sea fish quest at all!

before the patch everything had worked normally.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I was ok until after the Halloween patch.
Now I have the same problem.

When I turn in a quest, the Fishmonger Automatically gives me a new quest.
This means I can never dry-dock My ship without Resigning from the quest in the hold of my ship.

I play on Atlantic with the classic client


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
you don't have to click the accept button you know


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
**** Slaps self on forehead**** I could have had that v8 without the vodka.

It slowly dawns on me, refuse quest and resign quest are not the same.

Thank you Kojak!

I got a BUNCH of mibs I need to clear out and teleporting my boat around saves hours of time.

Captain Toad of TIME BANDIT


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
i started to get this too. just got the reward and i see i have another chest in my cabin??


I could be wrong, but I thought if you refuse a quest it also dropped your rep?


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
i may have messed up but I am clicking the guy for the reward and it gives me the reward and asks if I want a new quest.

There should be no loss of reputation from refusing a quest.
