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Translation help request


UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm looking for someone interested in a little work of translation for the application: UO Template Editor.

the text to translate is enough easy, the only thing to do is change the value of an XML tag in this manner:

if you have:
<NewCharMenu>New Character</NewCharMenu>

you have only to change:
New Character

<NewCharMenu>Nuovo Personaggio</NewCharMenu>

NOTE: do not remove the | separator or the file will be unusable!

Remember: UO Template Editor is a free project so there are no prizes for that work. I would like to offer something but it's not a good moment, sorry!

You can see the file to translate by clicking the spoiler button below here.

If you are interested, contact me via PM, ICQ or email: [email protected] and I shall give you more information about.

The language file will have YOUR credits so prepare a cutom textual credits, something like: "Crafted By Gixo" or "I have translated it! by Gixo" or whathever you want and the users that will use YOUR language file will see YOUR credits in the info menu!

Any language will be appreciated and many users will be thanksfull to you :)

Languages already present:
- english (default)
- italian (by Pinco)

  <LangCredits>Base language by Pinco</LangCredits> 
  <NewCharMenu>New Character</NewCharMenu> 
  <SaveCurrentCharacterToolStripMenuItem>Save Current Character</SaveCurrentCharacterToolStripMenuItem> 
  <LoadCharacterToolStripMenuItem>Load Character</LoadCharacterToolStripMenuItem> 
  <LoadRecentCharacterToolStripMenuItem>Load Recent Character</LoadRecentCharacterToolStripMenuItem> 
  <ItemMakerToolStripMenuItem>Item Maker</ItemMakerToolStripMenuItem> 
  <ImportUOAssistItemStreamToolStripMenuItem>Import UOAssist Items</ImportUOAssistItemStreamToolStripMenuItem> 
  <ItemSetMakerToolStripMenuItem>Item Set Maker</ItemSetMakerToolStripMenuItem> 
  <EnableCaps>Enable Caps Editing</EnableCaps> 
  <DisableCaps>Disable Caps Editing</DisableCaps> 
  <PetMakerToolStripMenuItem>Pet Type Maker</PetMakerToolStripMenuItem> 
  <NewItemToolStripMenuItem>New Item</NewItemToolStripMenuItem> 
  <SaveCurrentItemToolStripMenuItem>Save Current Item</SaveCurrentItemToolStripMenuItem> 
  <LoadItemToolStripMenuItem>Load Item</LoadItemToolStripMenuItem> 
  <NewSetToolStripMenuItem>New Set</NewSetToolStripMenuItem> 
  <SaveCurrentSetToolStripMenuItem>Save Current Set</SaveCurrentSetToolStripMenuItem> 
  <LoadSetToolStripMenuItem>Load Set</LoadSetToolStripMenuItem> 
  <NewPetToolStripMenuItem>New Pet</NewPetToolStripMenuItem> 
  <SaveCurrentPetToolStripMenuItem>Save Current Pet</SaveCurrentPetToolStripMenuItem> 
  <LoadPetToolStripMenuItem>Load Pet</LoadPetToolStripMenuItem> 
  <CharNameLbl>Character Name:</CharNameLbl> 
  <StatLabel>Stat Cap:</StatLabel> 
  <SkillLabel>Skills Cap:</SkillLabel> 
  <HPlbl>Hit Points:</HPlbl> 
  <SkillTableLbl>Skill Table</SkillTableLbl> 
  <QuickSearchLbl>Quick Search:</QuickSearchLbl> 
  <AlreadyApplied>The properties of this set was already applied to each parts.</AlreadyApplied> 
  <SelectOne>Select a set for get the properties</SelectOne> 
  <PetTypelbl>Pet Type</PetTypelbl> 
  <yourpetnamelbl>Your Pet Name</yourpetnamelbl> 
  <ItemNamelbl>Item Name</ItemNamelbl> 
  <ItemSetNamelbl>Item Set Name</ItemSetNamelbl> 
  <chooseLbl>Choose what do you want to remove:</chooseLbl> 
  <DonateLbl>Making this software took a lot of time and a hard work. If you like it please, support it with a donation.</DonateLbl> 
  <Icqstatuslbl>ICQ Status:</Icqstatuslbl> 
  <SkillBox>Stat/Skill Template</SkillBox> 
  <SetBox>Completed Sets</SetBox> 
  <ItemBox>Pick an Item</ItemBox> 
  <SpellsBox>Active Spell Effects</SpellsBox> 
  <ShowReal>Show Real</ShowReal> 
  <ShowOvercap>Show Overcap Values</ShowOvercap> 
  <DivineFury>Divine Fury</DivineFury> 
  <ReactiveArmor>Reactive Armor</ReactiveArmor> 
  <MagicReflection>Magic Reflection</MagicReflection> 
  <LichForm>Lich Form</LichForm> 
  <WraithForm>Wraith Form</WraithForm> 
  <VampiricEmbrace>Vampiric Embrace</VampiricEmbrace> 
  <HorrificBeast>Horrific Beast Form</HorrificBeast> 
  <AddSkill>Add Skill</AddSkill> 
  <Removeskill>Remove Skill</Removeskill> 
  <soulstoneSkill>Soulstone Skill</soulstoneSkill> 
  <AdvancedSearch>Advanced Search</AdvancedSearch> 
  <ToLBL>Total Resist</ToLBL> 
  <SaveCaps>Save Caps</SaveCaps> 
  <PetRemove>Remove Pet</PetRemove> 
  <Add>Add Property</Add> 
  <Remove>Remove Property</Remove> 
  <Skills>Skill Name</Skills> 
  <Value>Real Value</Value> 
  <Bonus>Bonus Value</Bonus> 
  <Cap>Your Cap</Cap> 
  <Total>Total Skill Value</Total> 
  <MinValue>Min Value</MinValue> 
  <YourValue>Your Value</YourValue> 
  <MaxValue>Max Value</MaxValue> 
  <PetLines>Hit Points|Stamina|Mana|Strength|Dexterity|Intelligence| |Physical Resistance|Fire Resistance|Cold Resistance|Poison Resistance|Energy Resistance|Resistances Difference| |Wrestling|Tactics|Resisting Spells|Anatomy|Healing|Poisoning|Magery|Evaluating Intelligence|Meditation| |Pet Valuation:|</PetLines> 
  <Apps>Apply to</Apps> 
  <MinVals>Min Value</MinVals> 
  <MaxVals>Max Value</MaxVals> 
  <PetLines2>Hit Points|Stamina|Mana|Strength|Dexterity|Intelligence| |Physical Resistance|Fire Resistance|Cold Resistance|Poison Resistance|Energy Resistance| |Wrestling|Tactics|Resisting Spells|Anatomy|Healing|Poisoning|Magery|Evaluating Intelligence|Meditation|</PetLines2> 
  <MyStable>My Stable</MyStable> 
  <ApplyTO>Per Piece|Total</ApplyTO> 
  <NEWtext><New Item...></NEWtext> 
  <question1>Do you want to put this skill in a soulstone?|Soulstone the skill?</question1> 
  <question2>Do you want to get this skill from the soulstone?|Get the soulstone skill?</question2> 
  <question3>Do you want to remove this soulstone?|Remove?</question3> 
  <question4>Do you want to save first?|Save?</question4> 
  <question5>Overwrite the current version?|Overwrite</question5> 
  <question7>Are you sure that you want to cancel current operation?|Are you sure?</question7> 
  <question8>Do you want to remove this pet?|Remove?</question8> 
  <question9>Caps updated!|Caps Updated</question9> 
  <question10>Do you want to remove this skill?|Remove?</question10> 
  <question11>Do you want to remove this property?|Remove?</question11> 
  <question12>Do you want to remove this item?|Remove?</question12> 
  <question13>Do you want to remove this?|Remove?</question13> 
  <question14>This button will open the web browser to the PayPal donation page. If your firewall don't allow to open browser, you can make a donation through your PayPal home page to "[email protected]". Would you like to continue? (Remember to check the presence of the yellow lock in the page that allow secure transactions!)|Donate</question14> 
  <question15>This button will open your mail client for send an e-mail. If you don't use a mail client, you can send a feedback to this address: "[email protected]" with subject: "Feedback UO Template Editor". Would you like to continue?|Send a feedback</question15> 
  <question16>Do you wanna be|Sure?</question16> 
  <question17>Do you want to auto-save all items?|Auto-Save?</question17> 
  <error1>Can't put in a soulstone this skill, because is at 0!|Can't Soulstone</error1> 
  <error2>You already have this skill at this level in a soulstone!|Already Present</error2> 
  <error3>You can't absorb this skill. You need more skill points!|Error</error3> 
  <error4>Gargoyles can't use hats, gloves or shoes!|You are a Gargoyle!</error4> 
  <error5>You can't use a shield while using a two-handed weapon!|Can't use a shield</error5> 
  <error6>Your shield is dropped because you are using a two-handed weapon!|Shield Dropped!</error6> 
  <error7>Only elves can wear this item!|Can't wear</error7> 
  <error8>Only gargoyles can wear this item!|Can't wear</error8> 
  <error9>Gargoyles can wear the "Gargoyles Only" items only!|Can't wear</error9> 
  <error10>This is not an UO Template Editor file!|Ivalid File</error10> 
  <error11>You must insert the name!|Unnamed?</error11> 
  <error12>You don't have any pet types loaded. Please, use the Pet Type Maker tool for load one and try again.|No Pets Type</error12> 
  <error13>Select the type of your pet!|Unknow pet</error13> 
  <error14>Remove the item that give this bonus for remove this skill!|Can't remove</error14> 
  <error15>Insert the name first!|Missing Name</error15> 
  <error16>Select a layer first!|Missing Layer</error16> 
  <error17>Add almost 1 property!|Missing Properties</error17> 
  <error18>Add almost 2 items!|Missing Items</error18> 
  <error19>There are no items available with there characteristics|Not Found</error19> 
  <error20>No supported data found in your clipboard!|Not Found</error20> 
  <stable>Stable Slots Available:</stable> 
  <ICQFeedbk>(For ICQ feedbacks:</ICQFeedbk> 
  <Icqstatuslbl>ICQ Status:</Icqstatuslbl>