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Transferring shards and housing...


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Always been curious about this.

Lets say you have one char and one char only on Shard A. On that shard you have a house.

If you transfer this character off shard. Since the house is effectively account bound. The house never enters decay provided you don't try to place on Shard B, right?

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Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
thats correct. as long as the account is active the house will stand, until you try to place again as you said

If you create another char on Shard A then they have instant rights to use the house, as long as you remember where it is :)


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Benefactor
if you co own a toon to your house then every other toon on that account has access to that house.
even if you make another character 10 years later, that new character will have full access to that house.

not sure why that popped into my head, something you guys said just reminded me of that.

i had x-sharded to another shard and my house on shard 2 is near a town stone that you can get to from Luna, so i just used that to pop through to the town stone and walked 1 screen to my house.
when i arrived i was thinking.... oh poop..... ive never been here with this character before, but then i just walked in and made myself at home.
that was when i realized that all characters from that account have full access.