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Transferring from Atlantic to Lake Superior


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hello everyone,

I'm currently in the middle of transferring my characters from Atlantic to Lake Superior. I was able to transfer all of my things with the first two characters and have 3 more to go. Since it takes 24 hours between each transfer its taking a while so I figured I would offer the following:

If you have anything on Atlantic that you want transferred here (holiday gifts etc or anything) let me know. Everything needs to be in one bag with a book including character name and contact to pick it up (preferably icq). I will be doing a transfer tomorrow 4/6/13, next day 4/7/13 and then Monday 4/8/13 and that's it so let me know.

I decided to postpone my Monday transfer later in the week to make sure I don't need to buy any last minute items before I transfer my final character.

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