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[Discussion] Transfering From and To On 2 Shards

Alexander of ATL.

Rares Fest Host | Atl June 2013
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Atlantic >>> Great Lakes ------------- Friday at 7 PM Eastern
Great Lakes >>>>> Pacific -------------- Saturday at 7 PM Eastern

I am doing these Transfers THIS Friday and THIS Saturday. If you have anything you would like transfered, please PM me. I don't want to transfer clean up point item turn ins, or anything like that. I am xfering FREE of charge, but since i am no vet and can't use the shields and the price of the xfers, I will gladly take donations. Contact me if interested. :)

(If something comes up in real life that prevents me to transfer at the posted time, I will transfer ASAP and contact all who has given me items.)

The way this works:
1) Put a book in with your items.
2) Write the name of your stratics name as the title of the book.
3) Inside, list the name of the char that you will use to pick up the items
4) Write a password that only YOU will know, when we meet on a specific shard, you will party me or I will party you.
5) You will then say who you are, unless you said it ahead of time.
6) I will ask you to recite the password you have written in the book, if the password is incorrect. I will NOT hand over the items, and i will try and get ahold of the original owner, via someone having your ICQ, or PM'ing you.
7) I will then PM you on stratics and then will ask for you to confirm that this is you.

I know this is alot of steps, and some may think "well why would you need all of those steps, just PM the person when you are ready to hand items over."

Well, your stratics account could get hacked, someone may know what you might put in the book, and someone may know what char you will pick up the items. I made a combination of 3 sequences, 1) you write the name of the char. 2) a password. 3) you have to confirm that it is you.

I make this combination for extra security, i know what it feels like to be scammed and to have items stolen from me. It's not fun. With these 3 security steps, i would think it is impossible for someone to pretend it's a different person. So please write down the password and such you have given me on a different piece of paper if you can't remember what you wrote.

This is my first time transporting anyone's goods, so I'm a little nervous so please don't judge because i like to make extra security. :)
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The Shamrock

Stratics Veteran
First of all, that's awesome you're doing these xfers... its such a pain now days to do em because of the price hikes. Second... would it be possible for you to get icq? makes communication SOOO much easier.

Alexander of ATL.

Rares Fest Host | Atl June 2013
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Shamrock, I will work on getting ICQ. I'm just so busy in rl i barely have time to even get on UO and stock my vendors atm. Once things cool down, I will try and get ICQ.

Angel Dust, No i am not transfering from Pacific to Atl :(