I am taking ICQ offers for the following items on atl at 248964600
120 swords x 2
120 archery
120 focus
120 meditation
120 animal taming
120 parrying
120 stealing
120 Spirit speak
120 wrestling
120 resist spells
120 Peacemaking
115 animal taming
115 veterinary
115 stealing
115 healing x 2
115 music x 2
115 provocation x 4
115 Macing x 2
115 peacemaking
115 parrying
115 wrestling x 2
115 swords
115 anatomy x 3
115 bushido
115 fencing
25 stat scroll x 2
Scrolls of Transcendence
1.0 forensic eval
1.0 mining
1.0 snooping
.9 macing
.6 eval int
.7 anat
.9 provocation
.7 tracking
.6 discord
.9 snooping
.6 meditation
.8 begging
.6 camping
.7 forensic eval
.5 bushido
1.0 music
Hooded robe of umbra
Hooded shroud of shadows
crimson cincture
ornament of the magician
hat of the magi
crystalline ring
Gauntlets of anger
djinni's ring
120 swords x 2
120 archery
120 focus
120 meditation
120 animal taming
120 parrying
120 stealing
120 Spirit speak
120 wrestling
120 resist spells
120 Peacemaking
115 animal taming
115 veterinary
115 stealing
115 healing x 2
115 music x 2
115 provocation x 4
115 Macing x 2
115 peacemaking
115 parrying
115 wrestling x 2
115 swords
115 anatomy x 3
115 bushido
115 fencing
25 stat scroll x 2
Scrolls of Transcendence
1.0 forensic eval
1.0 mining
1.0 snooping
.9 macing
.6 eval int
.7 anat
.9 provocation
.7 tracking
.6 discord
.9 snooping
.6 meditation
.8 begging
.6 camping
.7 forensic eval
.5 bushido
1.0 music
Hooded robe of umbra
Hooded shroud of shadows
crimson cincture
ornament of the magician
hat of the magi
crystalline ring
Gauntlets of anger
djinni's ring