I've had many requests over the past couple months for Treasure map libraries.
With the t-map and barding changes, I've decided I'm going to remark the set of Trammel map locations that is currently in the library at Mystic Garden to make sure no runes are blocked [Houses may have been placed nearby since I last marked it]
As soon as I finish remarking it, I'll be selling copies of it for 400k per set.
They should be available for sale by next week - I'll only be selling them for a few weeks so if you're interested please pm or icq me 107296451
If I get enough requests, I may do the same with the Felucca set.
I'll be marking these by using the Stratics maps so you can easily locate on Stratics where the map is, and then simply recall off the rune with the same number.
With the t-map and barding changes, I've decided I'm going to remark the set of Trammel map locations that is currently in the library at Mystic Garden to make sure no runes are blocked [Houses may have been placed nearby since I last marked it]
As soon as I finish remarking it, I'll be selling copies of it for 400k per set.
They should be available for sale by next week - I'll only be selling them for a few weeks so if you're interested please pm or icq me 107296451
If I get enough requests, I may do the same with the Felucca set.
I'll be marking these by using the Stratics maps so you can easily locate on Stratics where the map is, and then simply recall off the rune with the same number.