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Trammel, Newlands, Bosses


Zyon Rockler

I would like to see some challenging spawn that takes team work and is essentially hassle free, where you don't have to get keys, solve riddles or puzzles, just need to hunt them.

So, I was thinking, maybe it would be neat to add some of the bosses to the T2A in Trammel. Maybe, have like an evil tower built for the necro boss and a cave for Rikktor and a web pit for that big spider, just randomly spawned in those areas.

Kind of like the old mare spawn. You didn't know if it was going to be there but you knew where it spawned.

Bomb Bloke

Lore Keeper
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I think Yamandons fit the bill pretty well. They spawn fast, can easily be dragged away from the lesser creatures that spawn around them, appear in a Trammel rule zone, and can keep most players occupied for a decent amount of time.

Paragons are also pretty close to what you're after. A Bone Dragon in that state will happily mince many players in a one-on-one battle.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yamadons are not a challenge neither are most paragons give us something like melissa or the strangers as a permanent addition and then i would be happy they were more intense battles. The strangers were actually the better of the 2 events for frequency of spawn. If they added some powerful critters like them that would spawn perhaps 2 or 3 times a day at one of say 20 or so unused locations, It would generate some interest in going to the many dead places in the cool world of uo. Things of that nature whom drop serious loot with nasty power to kill and mutilate players and their pets is badly needed.

I do peerless and find key's are to infrequent except for meli. The shimmer keys can take 10 min to collect a set or can take 2 hours if the luck is not happening its just silly same with travesty. Dreadhorns keys drop decently though sometimes it can be a right pain to get one thankfully the bags of sending now work right again so i can send the 500k in gold that i can pile up back to the bank on the bad day where one key just will not drop.

I do believe something needs to happen in the old spots that see little activity. Yes some still utilize the places but how often? I go farm up necro regs now and then in fire lvl 2 at the lich room and in all the time i have gone there i have never seen the slightest sign of another player. Same with covatous same with shame they just don't see much life.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Supporter
Yamadons are not a challenge neither are most paragons give us something like melissa or the strangers as a permanent addition and then i would be happy they were more intense battles. The strangers were actually the better of the 2 events for frequency of spawn. If they added some powerful critters like them that would spawn perhaps 2 or 3 times a day at one of say 20 or so unused locations, It would generate some interest in going to the many dead places in the cool world of uo. Things of that nature whom drop serious loot with nasty power to kill and mutilate players and their pets is badly needed.

I do peerless and find key's are to infrequent except for meli. The shimmer keys can take 10 min to collect a set or can take 2 hours if the luck is not happening its just silly same with travesty. Dreadhorns keys drop decently though sometimes it can be a right pain to get one thankfully the bags of sending now work right again so i can send the 500k in gold that i can pile up back to the bank on the bad day where one key just will not drop.

I do believe something needs to happen in the old spots that see little activity. Yes some still utilize the places but how often? I go farm up necro regs now and then in fire lvl 2 at the lich room and in all the time i have gone there i have never seen the slightest sign of another player. Same with covatous same with shame they just don't see much life.
Mostly because there is very little reward.... Most everyone has the 10th anniversary items and thank the gods for those since if it wasn't for them even less people would venture to ANY of the older dungeons.... the only reason I go to the Fan dancers anymore is to kill the Succubus and gain fame/Karma for doing champs and my sacrifice...

What is the reward for killing them? Can you make anything from it?? NO... Is there anything "unique"? NO.... Is the loot Good?.... mostly NO. Can you get better loot more easily somewhere else??? Yes!..... there is your answer.

Better loot, quicker easier delivery... More chances at "rarer" items.... lately it would seem most folk are still pounding away at champ spawns... Why? Because the loot is updated new and while your droning on killing you can get SoT's... it's more rewarding...

Unless they do something to update and upgrade most of the old dungeons I'm afraid you won't find very many people there ever...

Somewhat like T-Maps and MIB's... All are in Desperate need of an update!


Ill be completely honest, PvM in UO has grown dull and boring (except for the events).

Its just way too F**KING EASY!!!

I mean the bosses where designed for group fights yet i dont know of a boss i cant solo or 2man with 0problems.

Dread...easy solo
Shim(if you know the trick, i dont so dont ask :p) easy solo, easy 2man.
Travesty...PIECE OF P**S 2man!
Mel...Easy 2man
Paroxy...Easy 2man, not sure on solo
Grizzle...OMFG HOW EASY!!!

Event he keys arent hard to get, just a little bit annoying and time consuming.

I agree with the original OP something needs to be added for a challenge, i mean even a Blackrock infected Vanguard was easy to solo!

the 4th man

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ill be completely honest, PvM in UO has grown dull and boring (except for the events).

Its just way too F**KING EASY!!!

I mean the bosses where designed for group fights yet i dont know of a boss i cant solo or 2man with 0problems.

Dread...easy solo
Shim(if you know the trick, i dont so dont ask :p) easy solo, easy 2man.
Travesty...PIECE OF P**S 2man!
Mel...Easy 2man
Paroxy...Easy 2man, not sure on solo
Grizzle...OMFG HOW EASY!!!

Event he keys arent hard to get, just a little bit annoying and time consuming.

I agree with the original OP something needs to be added for a challenge, i mean even a Blackrock infected Vanguard was easy to solo!
To each his own.........take away the uber gear and what have you? Memories of what you used to be able to beat.

This game is different for everyone. When I started eons ago as a miner, I ran at the sight of an ogre, as I said, eons ago.

With age comes wisdom and rational, something some never achieve.....and it shows.


Old Man of UO

Ill be completely honest, PvM in UO has grown dull and boring (except for the events).

Its just way too F**KING EASY!!!

I mean the bosses where designed for group fights yet i dont know of a boss i cant solo or 2man with 0problems.

Dread...easy solo
Shim(if you know the trick, i dont so dont ask :p) easy solo, easy 2man.
Travesty...PIECE OF P**S 2man!
Mel...Easy 2man
Paroxy...Easy 2man, not sure on solo
Grizzle...OMFG HOW EASY!!!

Event he keys arent hard to get, just a little bit annoying and time consuming.

I agree with the original OP something needs to be added for a challenge, i mean even a Blackrock infected Vanguard was easy to solo!
Don't know what I am doing wrong, but I don't find any of these easy. I don't have the time to power game any more, so it's all casual hunting for me and I do enjoy these peerless hunts.

That aside, I would love to see these, or other similar/harder expanded into T2A - right now those lands are pretty much dead.


I would like to see some challenging spawn that takes team work and is essentially hassle free, where you don't have to get keys, solve riddles or puzzles, just need to hunt them.

So, I was thinking, maybe it would be neat to add some of the bosses to the T2A in Trammel. Maybe, have like an evil tower built for the necro boss and a cave for Rikktor and a web pit for that big spider, just randomly spawned in those areas.

Kind of like the old mare spawn. You didn't know if it was going to be there but you knew where it spawned.
Go find the blackrock eles, "challenging" doesn't even come close to what they are.


Go find the blackrock eles, "challenging" doesn't even come close to what they are.

8of us over an hour to kill one of these beasts!!!

To other poster, yes you are doing something wrong :p unfortunatly they all have tricks to doing them, some of the tricks are complex, some very simple, unfortunatly it makes them all very easy.

The vanguards had a trick to make them very easy, at the present time...every boss has "tricks" to make life easier. Most is just down to template choice and tactics.

The crimsons for example, group of 4or5 of us killed one of those fairly easily with 1tamer and 3-4necros. Tamer had a Cu necros used wither and mind blast as well as greater heals(on the Cu of course).


Wild, I don't see how Melissa was a challenge... one GD or a Cu had to tank, the rest did nothing. Other than the fact that Balrons spawned in there, it wasn't a challenge at all. That's why people made newbie characters on all shards, went down with a few explo pots to collect their cloak and 25k in ticket points.

If a newbie can go do and accomplish that I don't see it as challenging.

I have no complaint about making champions permanent as long as they don't drop scrolls on the static bosses.

Maybe if they changed monster AI so they'd actually work together when you fought them... that would make it more challenging.

When fighting at Cove Orc fort, an orc scout would dismount you, while an orc lord would land a crushing blow on you, while the orc mage casted explosion/flamestrike on you...That would be interesting. Bump the loot table up for all monsters and now you have a reason to actually fight in dungeons again.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Its true too, Items have become waaay to over powered. The game lost the fun. I remember back when Destard was a challenge due to dragons alone (For non-tamers) It was a really satisfying experience

Bomb Bloke

Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
Wild, I don't see how Melissa was a challenge... one GD or a Cu had to tank, the rest did nothing. Other than the fact that Balrons spawned in there, it wasn't a challenge at all.
Actually even the ballys/imps weren't a problem. One player would simply leave their horse in the small chamber next to the main hall, and all the room's spawn would eventually target that - they'd sit for hours on end just staring at the wall.

Personally I saw Melissa taken down with two Cu's (one of them mine). She wasn't popular because of the challenge. She was popular not only because she was new and exciting, but mainly because she was dropping rare items; everyone wanted her cloak and necklace. If those started dropping again, they'd be worthless and no one would want them at all. If Melissa started spawning again without those items, most people would simply consider it a waste of time to fight her (though I suppose it'd still be a miner improvement to the game regardless).


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
I said before many times that things are getting WAY too easy with the way items work and many creatures need a "boost"....

I remember when it took a whole guild to take down one dragon... now even a Greater is hardly the "beast" I think a Dragon should be... To me a Dragon and by all means an Ancient wyrm... should be the most powerful horrible thing in the game beyond say... Peerless, and some deep dwelling Deamons....

But the items and the new armor system have made things far too simple....

though if it's a challenge you are after... try gm armor and fighting a greater dragon.... that's a hoot.... even try a gm no mod weapon....

Perhaps the problem is your perspective on the game... I don't know.....

Though it would help if they could buff monsters without just adding hit points.