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[Fishing] Trammel and felucca

Ivory Norwind

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Finally i've been using a Tokuno boat.
I was in trammel and i had a trammel rune for the boat.
Now i've tryed to mark some runes for other chars and all runes are marked "felucca" and if i put them in a runewbook they are green.
If i recall to the boat i can make it both with the initial trammel rune and felucca rune. Is it a bug?
Also if the rune says felucca i am in trammel, obiouvsly.
Is it normal or a bug?
Or my bug?


I've had this happen a couple times.

When I initially mark the rune, for some wierd reason it's green in the book.

After a couple uses though, it goes to the Trammel purple color.

So, it's not just you, just some wierd glitch!


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
At least it's a glitch that doesn't effect play.

I wish all bugs were as such but alas, all the other bugs seem to have teeth and enjoy biting.