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[Selling] Tram Ice Castle



I am selling a Castle on LS as the title states. It is located near the Cave on Ice Isle to the North, if any want to venture out to see it the sign says for sale. I play on GL and am moving everything over there. I have brokered MOA(Majestic Oaks Auctions) a widely trusted and recognized group to handle the deal. I have decided to see how an Auction on here would fair so I will be starting the Bidding at 250mil with 1mil increments for the bids. If you have any questions feel free to PM though only posted bids will be accepted to keep it fair.Bids will only be accepted on the LS forums post. As I play on GL i would also accept payment there. I am looking for gold only no trades. Thanks and Good Luck to all.

Ps Orcs do occasionally spawn outside , I dont want anyone taken by surprise.

Auction Ends Saturday At 12 NoonEST , The winner has until Sunday Night 8pmEST to purchase or I will move to the 2nd highest bidder.