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Training point allocation question


Stratics Veteran
Hello all! I am another whom has come back again after an absence. LOVING the new training!!!
So my question(s)

The points. Is there a time limit to have to use them? As in I have trained up a level and just put a few points out and then want to go run around with the pet to do things (understanding it is not upgraded yet for that level) will that cause issue or am I fine unless I click I am done for that slot?

Raising the caps. So ya, I don't have a million to my name let alone some of the prices I have seen for the scrolls. However I do have a couple of 105 and 110 random scrolls in my bank. Now saying I want to take a skill to 120, but cannot afford the scroll yet, can I train the raising to 105 and then raise it again later? Would it be progressive with the points like any of the other things raised? Example and I have no idea what the points required are, but let's say taking a skill to 120 is 100 pts., I take it to 105 and that is only 50 pts. When I finally get the 120 scroll, will it just cost me the difference to get there, in this example 50 points? (do I make sense?) Or would it be like ah doesn't matter you are at 105 you will need to spend the entire 100 pts to get to 120.

Anyway that is all!!! Thank you for reading and so happy to be back!!


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
They stay till you use them. You can trade the pet and they stay. You can save points for scrolls later. You just keep getting the pop up that says the pet is gaining, even at 100%.

If you put a 105 scroll on a pet, part of cost of the 120 will be absorbed in those points.

Save 800 points for scrolls after you have chosen abilities.


Stratics Veteran
Awesome thank you so much. Didnt want to risk putting a 105 or 110 on and (with points still available) find out I couldn't go to 120 when I finally get one. Thank you again Pawain!