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Training Pets.



I see all this post of people training the new Dragons to 100 in everything in couple days. I been traning the resist on my pet for weeks and nothing barely got it to 80. How are you people doing it?


New Player Protector
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I've trained several nightmares to 7xGM, and I've always taken them to the 3rd level of Hythloth: Death Trap room (2 Daemons, 2 Gargoyle, 1 Imp and 1 Hellhound, so 5 casters), or the 4th level of Hythloth, the first room upon entering down the stairs (same spawn as Death Trap room). Slow spawn though, if the pet you're using kills stuff fast...

Just find areas with lots of spellcasters and a reasonable fast paced respawn. Preferably stuff that doesn't die in one hit...


Or have the pet attack Gregorio the Brigand at the Skara Brae Ranger Huts, you're pet can't damage him but Gregorio can't damage them either. Then spam Weaken/Clumsy/Feeblemind like mad on your pet. So long as Gregorio is attacking the pet, your pet won't turn around and bite your head off. This also works when training pet on Shadow Ore Ele, just make sure the Shadow Ore Ele is attacking the pet that you're spamming spells on. I GM Resist on my pets within an hour and a half this way, including pet's that would otherwise be almost impossible to GM their Resist because of their' frailty, like my Giant Ice Worm, Frenzied Ostard, Giant Beetle and Black Horse.

Just tamed a Purple Jack Rabbit for my Pally/Swordswoman, thinking about GMing it's Resist then training it up a bit so it can train on a Shadow Ore Ele for the hell of it.