So you want to Wrestle!
This is a Guide to train your wrestle skill Fast Fast Fast!
Step one Buy the skill from npc trainer in new haven on prod shards for 400 gold to 40 skill then accept the quest to train to 50 walk to Old haven and get your accelerated gains to 50 once your at 50 time for the power skill gains.
Step One Get a golem yep golems are used and abused to no ends but what other use are they good for i ask?
Step Two Get some gear to help train the skill
Equip a fishing pole in hand and use this to beat on the golem it swings faster then fists and deals 0 dmg to the poor tin man.
Optional gear + skill jewelry gloves of pugalist to get the gains rollin in sooner
+ swing speed gear Assassins armor peices if you can get or have some are handy full set would be ideal but we don't all have that kinda gold to waste
The tokuno minor helm with +10 ssi is handy and top it off with a 5 ssi tourquoise ring to bolster your swing with that rod.
To Beat on your golem and not have it beat on you i suggest you first start to hit it then say stop then follow that with follow me.
Tip Stand on the golem to swing seems fishing poles do not have much of a range to swing with.
Now pop in a movie and relax keep an eye on the game to be sure no Noob's with a grudge invis you or your golem.
This is a Guide to train your wrestle skill Fast Fast Fast!
Step one Buy the skill from npc trainer in new haven on prod shards for 400 gold to 40 skill then accept the quest to train to 50 walk to Old haven and get your accelerated gains to 50 once your at 50 time for the power skill gains.
Step One Get a golem yep golems are used and abused to no ends but what other use are they good for i ask?
Step Two Get some gear to help train the skill
Equip a fishing pole in hand and use this to beat on the golem it swings faster then fists and deals 0 dmg to the poor tin man.
Optional gear + skill jewelry gloves of pugalist to get the gains rollin in sooner
+ swing speed gear Assassins armor peices if you can get or have some are handy full set would be ideal but we don't all have that kinda gold to waste
The tokuno minor helm with +10 ssi is handy and top it off with a 5 ssi tourquoise ring to bolster your swing with that rod.
To Beat on your golem and not have it beat on you i suggest you first start to hit it then say stop then follow that with follow me.
Tip Stand on the golem to swing seems fishing poles do not have much of a range to swing with.
Now pop in a movie and relax keep an eye on the game to be sure no Noob's with a grudge invis you or your golem.