Looking to trade xmas tickets for tickets on Lake superior or Lake Austin. Currently have all shards available Number of tickets avail listed below. Will update regularly. Icq 245315534
Legends - Gone
Atlantic - Gone
Great Lakes - 30
Cheesy - 31 (19 reserved)
Cats - 19
Origin - 26
Pacific - 10
Sonoma - Gone
Baja - 31
Napa - 32
Drachenfels - 16
Europia - 19
Oceania - 20
Siege - Gone
Formosa - GONE
20 on the folowing shards also Hokuto, Izumo. Mizuho, Yamato. Asuka. Arirang. Balhae, and Sakura
Legends - Gone
Atlantic - Gone
Great Lakes - 30
Cheesy - 31 (19 reserved)
Cats - 19
Origin - 26
Pacific - 10
Sonoma - Gone
Baja - 31
Napa - 32
Drachenfels - 16
Europia - 19
Oceania - 20
Siege - Gone
Formosa - GONE
20 on the folowing shards also Hokuto, Izumo. Mizuho, Yamato. Asuka. Arirang. Balhae, and Sakura