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Trading Luna House for...


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
2 Bags of Orciez fuud! The plot is located on the south end and is listed for sale. Thx


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well ya see... Otis was complaining about how expensive Luna houses are and so... decided that I would go ahead and trade this plot for a couple of purple bags of flour!! Nothing big, no trusted parties needed.. just an honest trade! .. for the workin man!

Otis Firefly

Slightly Crazed
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What the hell is Orciez Fuud?

Or am I being fooled?!?? Vile sir!?!?!
it is a purple bag of flour you could loot from some orcs during an EM event a few months back i think
and Radugast..i wasnt complaining, i dont complain...just pointing out the truth..really the price of the houses will never effect me what so ever lol, they could be free and i wouldnt want one!, i think what started me off on the i hate luna deal is when this person ( forget her name) was talkin about how she paid 500 mil for a house the size of an outhouse in luna..i thought that was absolutely ********!, but like anything!, if its worth that much to ya!, do what ya gotta do..

NorCal Uo Dealer

Well ya see... Otis was complaining about how expensive Luna houses are and so... decided that I would go ahead and trade this plot for a couple of purple bags of flour!! Nothing big, no trusted parties needed.. just an honest trade! .. for the workin man!
I agree with my boy Otis.. Luna is way overpriced as are you sir.. 250mill for this tiny lil house between two large houses that make your place almost invisible. just like Nabin overpriced and you do napa no good.. i put luna houses up and fill with vendors with items that people from Napa want, and that they dont have to leave napa for.. only 20 of these bags ingame.. dont bother payin his or nabins high luna houses prices for a dying shard

Sir Kelek

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Seriously cmon guys. No need to bash anyone over him selling a house, its ridiculous. Shouldnt take it personal..

NorCal Uo Dealer

Seriously cmon guys. No need to bash anyone over him selling a house, its ridiculous. Shouldnt take it personal..
lol common bro.. people like this rather keep luna houses to themselves than to do what they are intended for which is keeping napa people here by having vendors with items that people want.. he keeps his private and nabin keeps his bare cause he wants a arm and a leg for it.. you are fare with your prices for luna houses he wants 250mill for that hole in the wall.. nabin wants 400mill for the one south east for a dead shard.. :) i would buy this or any luna house and fill it with vendors for the people of Napa wouldnt have to pay crazy xshard fee's to get what they want


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Make an offer then! Would be willing to trade for other Napa Event items!

Maintain your vendors and you can do well with a small "hole in the wall" lot.

BTW iam planning to open my museum's this month... the idea was never to keep them locked up all the time.

Heh I was just kidding with ya Otis :)

NorCal Uo Dealer

i icqd you and you said 250 mill.. i paid for a 2 house sizes bigger than yours for 200mill.. better location and everything.. ya open the museums but it doesnt really matter to me.. You and Nabin are from the same breed..U two belong on ATL with your ego's cause you really dont understand the Napa Valley Market..lol


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Seriously cmon guys. No need to bash anyone over him selling a house, its ridiculous. Shouldnt take it personal..

"Well , why not? Things worth doing.. Are worth doing right... This is the American Dream in action.. Sh*t we would be fools not to ride this strange torpedo all the way out to the end... "


Former Stratics Publisher
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Real estate (virtual or tangible) is only worth what people are willing to pay.

Hawaii has the most expensive real estate market in the country - sale or rental. Yeah... "everyone" wants to live Hawaii... spend $500,000 - an itty-bitty 2 BR frame home on only 3000sqft land is the norm here. :( That is my house.. mortgage is a killer... but I can still afford some semblance of "life". Rentals are worse.. people pay about $1400/mo + utilities for an equivelant of my house.. and those are "country" prices.

People who want those Luna houses... will do whatever it takes to get it if they want it that badly...

If there are buyers, sellers will keep the prices up. If there are no buyers.. well, if the sellers REALLY wanna move it, they will drop their prices.

I _really_ want a Luna house to base events out of (rather than in the sticks of Cove). But I can only afford so much. Judging from my tangible home's mortgage payments, even just affording UO is a miracle!

five oclock

ok two things fast...

U are so right on high luna prices..Its all about supply and demand. If people are willing to buy em...and have the gold to do it..then there will always be business to do. If ya dont like it..either leave and make ya own...or do something else :D

Ok if Hawaii is the highest..would New York come in second? my wife was reading about Apts there and my jaw dropped...

second..I forgot :D

OO wait I remember now :D where is your Cove home? Tram/fel? and what do U have on your vendors?


Former Stratics Publisher
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Yeah, NYC comes second... is sickening, I know. I lived there for a while too before realizing I could be paying the same but back home where it doesn't snow, isn't so cold, and there are no crazed religious zealots bombing buildings.... so back to Hawaii I came. ^.^

Vendors sell a hodgepodge of stuff... I try to keep it stocked with imbuing supplies from my hunting trips and other what-nots. Am slowly condensing all of my characters to Napa.. so got some stuff moving from Europa and Chessy too... when I have the money for them to move....

My houses are just due north from the Cove town gates - tram side.... where it looks like a llama's head on the radar - hence the name.

Am currently looking for a place to put my Fel house....

Found the perfect spot for my Fel home--err--arena. :) Just planted it so will be setting up for more pvp and pet fighting events. (seriously happy now)