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[Selling] TRADING 120 Bushido Account "Reduced Again"!!!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
50 Months

Kengo Samurai
Trade for 11 mil Siege Perilous GOLD !!!

Blue Male Human
3 long term murders
Comes with Ethy Horse &
30 Game days to play

100 Anatomy
120 Fencing
120 Parry
100 Tactics
120 Bushido
80 Healing
80 Poisoning

Please ICQ me for any questions
regarding this account. ty

This is a Siege Perilous account ...
11 mil Siege Perilous GOLD


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Game Account Sales and Trades

Account sales and trades will only be allowed with one stipulation. Users must clearly state that they are ONLY seeking In-Game Gold or In-Game Items for trade.

Those that do not will be seen as skirting around our Rule against the trades for Real Life Money.
Please follow the rules of this forum.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Says right at the bottom and i quote !!!!

"11 mil Siege Perilous GOLD"

Noobish Noob

if this is still around after this weekend talk to me. I have like 3 gp on Siege but maybe we can trade for something else.
