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Towns prepare ~ Citizens beware ...

Queen Mum

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
As usual for a Monday morning I headed to Jhelom to make my purchases from the local bakery when a strange sound startled my thoughts. It sounded like someone had shot an arrow and it was heading in the same direction I was going. Quickly I ducked against the wall and 'THUNK' the arrow hit right above my head! Attached to the arrow was the following notice from Sonoma EM Events site ...
Goods Missing from Warehouse!

From the Jhelom Times
January 16

Yesterday it was discovered that luxury goods were missing from both Jhelom warehouses. It is unknown when these goods were removed. A thorough investigation is being made. However, according to one of the guards, some visitors to our fine city may be suspect.

The Noble families of Jhelom would like to reassure its citizens that they are doing everything possible to keep Jhelom the safe prosperous city it has always been. To ensure this, guards will be posted day and night at both warehouses and visitors to our fine city will be asked to sign in a book when entering the city.

To help pay for this extra security a small tax will be placed on the Performing Arts Center’s performances. Also funds that were set aside for the Jhelom Library will be used instead to pay for the added security.
I removed the arrow and paper then headed home to dispatch this important message to all the citizens of Sonoma. Be on guard and watch out for any strange happenings around the towns!

Queen Mum

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
News from New Magincia!

It was restock the Magincia vendor day so after gathering up the needed supplies I headed to Magincia and while there the town folks were all murmuring something about Dilfred Dumphry's article appearing on the Sonoma EM Events website. Of course I went there and found the following information ....

News from New Magincia!
January 17

News from New Magincia! By Dilfred Dumphry

Greetings citizens of New Magincia! I, Difred Dumphry have taken on the awe inspiring task of reporting the going on’s of everyone who lives on this wonderful island of Magincia!

First off! During the past few weeks, Lord Roberts has been seen courting Lady Windal, Lady Flesk, and one of the baker’s daughters. Which is causing quite a scandal for the young Lord’s esteemed parents who not surprisingly, declined to comment. The Baker however laughed and stated that his daughter was very good at making dough rise. Moving along!

Next up is the warehouse across from the bank! A good many of us have tried, err… *know* of someone who has tried to pick the locks on the warehouse doors but to no avail. (Entertaining the bank tellers greatly in the process.) However, the Lords and Ladies seem to know something us common folk don’t since they have seen fit to double the guard. Which brings us nicely to our final bit of news.

The Nobles of New Magincia “have put aside their differences to work together during these troubled times.” They wish to “assure one and all that the rumors of supplies not getting through are false!” Good to know. Good to know.

That concludes my report good citizens! Farewell for now!
Good thing I remembered to bring my trusty pack llama filled with supplies needed for the vendor!! What in the UO world is going on with all these rumors?

Queen Mum

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Moonglow Blockade Now Complete!

Being so proud to have finally filled enough tailoring BODS it was time to turn then in and receive not just monetary or material rewards but to gain some fame for doing them. So, I headed to the Moonglow Tailor shop by way of my seaworthy vessel. As I approached the dock I noticed something very different and a crow swooped overhead squawking about news from the Sonoma EM Events site ... I turned in my BODS and headed to the local tavern for a cold brew while taking the time to read the following ...

Moonglow Blockade Now Complete!
January 18

With pirates and marauders at an all time high on the ocean trade routes, the Noble families have taken steps to ensure the safety of the Moonglow citizens as well as those traveling by ship to and from our fair city. Between the docks and the open ocean a blockade has been built. This blockade is currently open and will remain that way unless outside events dictate otherwise.

The blockade took a lot of time, effort and gold to complete, so a big thank you goes out to our wonderful Noble families of Moonglow!
Three towns in three days have made themselves prepared for something unknown and have taken the time to make the rest of us aware of what they are doing. I wonder why and what tomorrow might bring! I for one will certainly watch the Sonoma EM events news to learn what is going on and if we will be called into action .... in the meantime, be safe out there while traveling the towns.

Queen Mum

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Call to Guard: Skara Brae reports harassing bandits!

After having a delightful lunch and visiting our favorite mascot, Slug Pembroke, at the Skara Brae Community Center we were heading home when we stopped to say hello to a few SB Rangers. They proceeded to tell us how they had sent a report to Captain Bob about harassing bandits and how we should be very careful on our way home. We rushed home to check the Sonoma EM Events news site and discovered the following post:
Captain Bob was reading a report on the latest problem. The Rangers stationed at the Skara Brae ferry were being harrased by bandits. The Rangers feel that an attack is eminent and request the Guard’s help.

Bob signed. Time to call the guard. Meet at the Serpents Hold RBG/Counselor Hall Saturday (1/21) at 6 pt.
Sounds like it is time to polish/repair our armor, weapons, and double check the battle supplies stock!