"What is the frequency of the [garbled, may have been "event spawn".]" was indeed event spawn.
"Any chance of earning .... gardening .....[garbled]" was something along the lines of "Any chance of something being thrown in for the gardening types?" Unfortunately, this question came directly after a "What happened to the cocoa trees?" question (which recieved the answer that they would be coming within the next publish or two), so the answer wasn't very informative, aside from the "elves not required" bit.
"What's going on with tenth anniversary rewards/presents. Also what about a jewelry book like BOD book? [There was quite an interruption with music here and couldn't hear most of the answer. All I got was that we might get jewelry boxes, but they aren't promising anything.]"
10th and 11th year rewards ARE coming, and while they WANT to do jewelry boxes there still aren't solid plans, but there IS someone actively working on them now.
"Can we get more stable spots? Probably the most commonly asked question. [Some comments from the devs about how many stable slots various critters take up, e.g., 5 for dragons, 3 for golems....] There is no way that there can be more than 5 control slots the way things are set up now. They didn't really answer the question about adding stable slots. Draconi mumbled something about balance and more power for tamers, but nothing that made any kind of sense."
Pretty sure he said something about the balance of power, followed by "but yes, we are working on more stable slots.", which was followed up by a question from the crowd on wether he meant stable or control slots and that it was indeed stable, and there would be no control slot increase.
Sadly, I don't remember catching the one question that's pretty much completely gone there myself at the actual event ([Question about crafters that was overridden by music.] The focus group................[covered up by music again]......... They are coming up with a master plan .....). So yeah, don't blame WRR entirely for that, it was apparently something easy to miss.