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TOT 3 I mean COME ON!



So i'm just curious about what other players are thinking. Personally i enjoyed TOT1 played it quite a bit. Did a little bit of hunting during TOT2 although it felt tired and boring that time around. Now we have TOT3!!! For god sake dev's can't you come up with something i dunno "NEW"?!?! Or at a very very minimum new rewards. It just felt like most of those redundant artis had been gotten rid of with the cleanup/ticket event now the flood gates are just wide open again.

I haven't gone hunting once for TOT3 and don't plan to. But I would like to do an event if it was something new and interesting. TOT3 however is neither. I don't really care about the mempo and if i really wanted one i'll just spend a few million and buy it rather than waste countless hours replaying the same tired senario like some crack rock deprived addict. I'm not sure what anyone is getting out of this rehash of a rehash but it seems like the only ones who are really caring about TOT3 are people exploiting it for 100s of mostly illegitimate drops.

This whole thing is stupid and should be redone to at a minimum have a new storyline and some new artis and at best a way to severly limit people who script these things. The people collecting 100s of these items make it not even really worth the time to the few legit people who are doing. If they are gonna keep rehashing rehashes at least limit the number of drops you can get per account per real world day to like 10 or something. That sounds "MORE" than fair to me. These people quoting 100s of artis obviously have no life and are abusing a poorly designed system which should have been limited even back during TOT1 but especially now since the only people who really care about this old tired event are people who want to exploit it or are scripting it unattended for mempos.

Is it to much to ask the devs do something right with UO for a change? If you want people back in the game "NEW" storylines, quests, events are what we are after. NOT REHASHES OF REHASES. At this point the friggin storyline for this whole TOT event doesn't even make sense with where the game is at anymore. I realize scripters and whatnot don't care about storyline and relevance to the game itself but the people who actually "PLAY" this game still do I hope.

I know this is kinda a rant but isn't enough enough at this point? Either quit rehashing rehashes or put a darn limit on what these scripters can do with these tired rehashed events. I know the devs are probably trying to boost hours of gameplay in UO but do they honestly believe this is the way to do it? Reactivating a 3-4 year old event!!! Give us something new and please let this be the FINAL TOT reactivation the whole event has well outlived it's welcome at this point.


.....It is not something new because it was to keep the player base occupied while they prepared a new event, what do you think? They can not put 100 percent of their efforts into the SA release, and still have time to create nice elaborate events to hold us over while they prepare the Main event arcs. *walks away mumbling*

Edit: And it does make sense for where we are...If you read up on the things to come and the story line that happened prior to ToT being released...


Crap who let you out again, and why are you still hiding!


The people collecting 100s of these items make it not even really worth the time to the few legit people who are doing. If they are gonna keep rehashing rehashes at least limit the number of drops you can get per account per real world day to like 10 or something. That sounds "MORE" than fair to me. These people quoting 100s of artis obviously have no life and are abusing a poorly designed system which should have been limited even back during TOT1 but especially now since the only people who really care about this old tired event are people who want to exploit it or are scripting it unattended for mempos.

Jealous, much???

For your info, I have over 700 drops. All legitimate, no script, nothing, nada! Its just me behind the screen doing what I do best.....killing and killing some more. Sorry that I don't wanna waste my time with Orcs or some other IMO lowly creature, when I can handle 6-7 Runebeetles at a time and maximize my chances.
As for expoit......Do you call working my skill (as it was intended!) an exploit? I am sure that in some fashion or form, if my skill use does not match what your thinking it should be limited too, then its an exploit.
If you would like to see me in action just join me on the legends shard at the beetlescape. heck, I will even allow you to page a GM to come and make sure that I am not using a "script" or an "exploit", just to prove to you that a person (on dial-up connection, I might add!) can and does get drops every 4-7 minutes and does it 100% legally as per the TOS of UO.
If you don't enjoy something, don't do it!
Hope that you find your niche and start enjoying life.

Edit: by the way, I only get on a few days a week and then only play for a few hours at that.
Don't play that tired card of "I have a life". I think it has seen about all the use it can get. We all have a life beyond this game. Besides who's buisness is it what anyone does with their free time. I for one don't give a crap what you do in your free time or what you do for a living. In the game your just another pixel junkie like the rest of us.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Here's the real question, why redo ToT and not just give us a way to get the new luck item and dyes? Would half of you all do ToT if not for the new luck item?

I mean yeah, the dyes are nice and all, but still, that mempo is the shizzle.


I mean yeah, the dyes are nice and all, but still, that mempo is the shizzle.
Exactly why I am participating in this particular ToT. I have enough dyes from the first 2 to keep my duds prime through the next 6 expansions. :D


Actually this is a very profitable event not only do you get Tot minors, if you do the champ spawn, you have a chance to get a replica, plenty of sots and the rare mempo. sounds like a win win to me.

Uo is going to have these Tot hunts every once in a while because they are focusing on drawing in new players and and a few of the Tot majors are very usable on many different templates. And i think these are items they want new and old player to have access to.


I get out plenty. Can't help it that I get drops every 4-7 minutes, which if you did the math, doesn't take very long to accomplish given the amount of time this current ToT event has run.
Just haven't been lucky enough to get a mempo. Which I will either eventually get, or sell some of the others and just buy it.


well if u average a minor every 4 to 7 minutes it would take about 65 hours. And that is assuming that you get one every 4 - 7 minutes.


Spread that out over the past few weeks and you will get a minimal amount of time on UO, other than weekends.
Yes I DO get them every 4-7 minutes, when I am actively after Drops. Its usually more to the 4-5 minute range, but there have been occasions that it will take up too 7 minutes to get one.
I am not complaining, not by any means, just stating the fact that the RNG really has a sense of humor, since I have yet to recieve a mempo or more than one chaos blue dye.
Gonna try the SLs to see if I can get a mempo off one of them, since it seems (by the posts I have seen in another thread) that they drop more frequently from them.
When you really think about it, 65 hours is not that long of a time period, spread over, roughly, 3 weeks.
Besides, with 5 teenage kids (all over 15) and a wife I don't get too spend that much time in game anyways.
There are some on my shard that have over 2k of drops. Seems that they are the really dedicated individuals. (or they are in fact the ones who are utilizing scripts or unattended pets, as the OP said in a earlier.)
Hear hear, to those lucky suckers who have already gotten a few mempos. Hope by the end we all have one.


Well, it does depend on what country is using said language.
If we spoke Spanish for example, and you were from Mexico and I from Pôrto Rico, you would say that I "butchered" that also, But differences in language vary region to region.
To solve your delima.......... Mathematics (still the short form is MATH!)


Mathematics (still the short form is MATH!)
Technically, mathematics is plural, so the shortening should be similarly plural.

However, if you understand what the other person's saying, then it really doesn't matter whether they say mathematics/maths/math. You could say "the thing with the numbers", and while you'd look like an idiot, if the context is clear ("You have an apple in one hand, and an apple in the other, so if you do the thing with the numbers, you have a total of two apples").
Anyway, it all works, and frankly picking on a cultural variation of spelling on the internetis... Not good. Amid a sea of terrible English, there's far better targets than this.