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Too Many Runic Crafting Tools?



Ok I play on Great Lakes and am wondering if all shards are like ours.

There are a handfull of vendors which seem to expand daily that have high end runics stocked daily . Are these just EXTREMELY creative xsharders that buy up every runic and sell them.

Yet hey EA let's come out out with new deco and new expansion's but ignore these people ruining the game. They are obviously duping these or buying them from a source that is duping them.

Can anyone please explain why nothing is being done about these dupers and everyday the problem spreads yet no EA are even looking into this ?

And you seriously think any of us are going to pay more to play while EA turns a blind eye to the blatant cheating?


I saw a recent post from Draconi stating they are going to do something yet here we are waiting like idiots who keep getting lied to and keep paying to play this game!

I was going to quit and stayed because of the post Draconi made now I realise it was just yet another EA lie in hopes we forget how pissed off we are well I don't forget .

This game has the potential to be the best online game ever yet EA is just letting it go down the toilet, that's the saddest part .

Is it possible all these dupers making irl cash off UO are actually involved in EA management or ex employee's ,that would not surprise me and explain why they are allowed to continue.

Oh well if I don't see any changes on duper's and cheaters im done with Uo forever this is total BS that we are expected to put up with this inept company running the game we pay to play in such a poor fashion.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Most Runics aren't very hard to come by if you put some effort into it. The exceptions are Valorite and Verite Runic Hammers. The sBODs for these two are still way too rare to be able to keep them in stock. I have 28 BOD runners on two shards and I haven't had a Verite Hammer in two months and it's been over a year since my last Valorite Hammer. I'm extremely confident in stating that anyone who has regular stock of these two hammers is cheating (duping or scripting).

As for action being taken by EA, we (the players) won't hear about it unless there is something on the scale of the mass-bannings of the past (trillions of gold and items deleted and hundreds of accounts gone). Most likely you'll notice the vendors in question will just disappear one day.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I hear you on this one...ever since BODs were introduced, I used to be obsessed, collecting every 6 hours, then trying to turn in BODs to reset the timers, etc. I've only ever had 1 account and have been collecting BODs on my 1 mule char, no scripting, no multiple accounts, no BOD runners, and I have yet to even receive a large bod for a verite hammer. I've received only 1 val BOD (it was a small, norse helm or some other inconsequential BOD). There is absolutely no reason to even try and compete or do BODs legit b/c the rewards are so rare for the honest player. There's no system for a trade-in for higher BODs type which would actually help out the lower end players and give us more incentive to play our crafters, but as it stands, it is way more cost effective now to hunt, do champs and sell our wares to buy the duped hammers. I mean, at the rate of new Val-hammer weapons and armor I see, I could've sworn someone brought the Val-hammers from TC over to a production shard.

I'd like to see a trade-in for points sort of system for BODs, that way filling in useless Iron BODs, the non-combinable BODs and other BODs with useless rewards can be turned in for a higher BOD of your choice. For example, the system would run in BOD Trees (Leather, Studded, Cloth, Weapons, Ringmail, Chainmail, Platemail) with each successive tier a higher BOD collected. Every tier is timed, you can only turn in a BOD once every 6-hours, same as collecting. This will give the people with Verite BODs the ability to upgrade to Val sooner than a person working up a Copper BOD, but at least they will both be working towards the same goal. The only way to increase the # of Val hammers one can obtain, is to be running multiple accounts. This will give EA the advantage of having more people open more accounts and generate more revenue for them, and they cannot be trial accounts so the scripters will have to maintain multiple paying accounts for their efforts.


My last val runic hammer was 2 months ago. Though am missing 3 bods out of 3 large deeds to get 3 val. About 10 bods missing to get 10 more verite. agapite got 2 on my last round missing maybe 15 more to collect 15 more agapites. Have plenty of almost copleted gold. Cant count the bronze and below I have chest filled whith all of those gathering up space. And a good 15k iron-dull bods to swap more coming every week. Srill valorite and verite are still hard to fill just like they should. Slowly but surely you end up building such a hugh collection of bods that youre always one bod away from the good hammer.
It always feels good when you received the right bod for the job. I also have my tailor bods the same and there are so many barbed runic larges in my collection I just cant seem to find the time to fill them. Trying to now but its a long process whith them seperating the bones organizing those it's a pain.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
alot of people got tons of runics from the blackrock turn in, many folks plainly script it.

The bottom line is, the large quantity of runic items is beneficial because it drives down the price of good gear for newer players.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I got a bronze today! *happy dance* (I've never gotten anything better)


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I got a bronze today! *happy dance* (I've never gotten anything better)
Erm, ok, maybe I'm not doing that badly in Bods after all...I've gotten lots of bronze and 1 gold from bods :D

Best I got was aggies from the blackrock turn in.

Warpig Inc

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
And with all theese runics out there wait till Imbueding comes out. Making the iron stuff that doesn't have all the bells and wistles just to unravel. Then there is another market shot and useless the first few weeks. The game needs a total wipe and ingame GM policed. TOTAL WIPE! All gold in check form, any gold over 5 mil on a vendor, all runics, all resources, all GM made armor, all BODs. I have an oldest account at 138 and am retired and have invested a load of time playing the game. I have an 18x18 dedicated to all my BOD books from what I and two other plp collected. Thats one val hammer BOD part from the start. So I can truely say stuff your 1 in 4000 chance. I have a Luna vendor house that has been on the job shortly after the release. Have gold but but wont support the cheats or trust any rare sold today is not a dupe.

Couldn't find the motivation even to log on today (plants dieing. Oh well) just sat and watched TV. It sits to the left of my screen so ya golf or fishing looking like a better use of time and money. Way things are blindfolded golf would **** me off less. Hell bowling is a beer also hobby as well.


The game needs a total wipe and ingame GM policed. TOTAL WIPE! All gold in check form, any gold over 5 mil on a vendor, all runics, all resources, all GM made armor, all BODs
You can start it off by tossing all of your gold, runics, resources, crafted armor, and Bods in the nearest trash can. Once you've got that completed you can then stand out in front of your house and say "There, I've got the ball rolling for ya". It'll catch on, I promise....:sleep2:


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
!!! You are oblivious and misinformed if you think these items are not dupes. !!!

Look at the amount of event items alone. Dupers/Dealers are even listing them on their websites now. You can 'add to cart' as many of those items as you want. To say there is not *MASS* duping of these and every other item with high value (HIGH END RUNICS) you are completely wrong. There are hundreds (yes hundreds) of inactive accounts with 5 characters filling 125 pack & bank slots with these items as well as what is currently circulating in-game and in houses.

The stuff that EA banned, those "trillions" was the dumb dupers/dealers - the ones that allowed themselves to be caught, and it was nothing more than a little off the top. What do you think these people did day and night for the 6+months the dupes ran obvious without any attention from EA? What makes you think the dupers didn't dupe for over a year before they even started flooding the market? When vine cord sandals were still valued around $500 each, there were thousands in-game, they just were 'smart' about it and sold them at a slow pace so that people didn't catch on. It's at the point where it's beyond obvious and yet EA still has done nothing about it. The direction they seem to now be going with the game (replicas, faction arties) is taking value from anything that once held it. Runics remain worth a fair bit, but the way new tradeskills seem to be in Stygian Abyss it will make them not so valuable. I think it is a horrible method to fixing the problem. They need to do some very deep investigating with a very educated and knowledgeable team on the issue (doesn't help with staff coming and going so often) and cutt off these dupes at the source. After that, they need to MONITOR THE GAME for future dupes and when they happen FIX THEM IMMEDIATELY.

The answers are very clear. I understand it's not easy or that it can be done overnight, but the bulls have been out of the pen for way too long. It's time to do something.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The game needs a total wipe and ingame GM policed. TOTAL WIPE! All gold in check form, any gold over 5 mil on a vendor, all runics, all resources, all GM made armor, all BODs.
I disagree.

What would that accomplish? If there are dupes still out there, the dupers will simply start anew and all the people willing to pay for them will just pay again, won't they? There will be more dupes and scripts and powergaming/merchant imbalances again some day - as much as we'd like to say it will never happen again, I don't think it's realistic to assume a perfect record in the future.

A small trickle of power inflation will accomplish just as much, allowing today's uber items to become tomorrow's decorations, accomplishing the same effect as an item wipe.

Any gold-draining/gold-balancing system shouldn't care what amount of gold people are at today - if it is going to work, it should be able to work starting at an imbalanced economy just as well as a starting from a balanced one.