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[Selling] Tons of Bows and weapons for sale!! Located on Great Lakes

  • Thread starter champagne2424
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  • Watchers 0


Composite Bow- DCI 22, SSI 35, 40 DI, Faster Casting 1
Elven Composite Bow- Hit Mana Leech 34, HCI 15, SSI 40, DI 49, -1 fc
Heavy Xbow- HLD 42, HLA 44, SSI 35, DI 48, FC 1
CrossBow- HLD 28, HCI 17, SSI 35, DI 40
Heavy Xbow- HLA 48, SSI 35, DI 50, -22 mage wep
Heavy Xbow- HLA 42, SSI 40, DI 47, SC-1, Fire resist 11
Crossbow- hit Stamina Leech 44, SSI 30, DI 40, Fire resist 10
Crossbow- SC no pen, Hit magic arrow 38, DI 40
Magical Shortbow-hit magic arrow 46, HML 22, SSI 30, DI 43
Heavy Xbow-SC no pen, Hit fire area 38, HML 50, SSI 10
Elven Composite bow- Hit fire area 34, HLA 36, SSI 30, DI 30

Leafblade- SC no pen -24 mage wep
Cleaver- SC no pen -26 mage wep DI 13, UBWS
Dagger- Hit stamina Leech 34, Hit fireball 42, HLA 32, DCI 10, DI 33
Axe- SC no pen -20 mage wep, HLD 42, UBWS
War Cleaver- Hit stamina leech 46, Hit Harm 44, HML 56, DCI 15, DI 50
Diamond Mace- SC-1, HML 51, HCI 12, SSI 30, DI 39
Kryss- Hit stamina leech 34, HLD 34, HCI 11, DCI 13, DI 44
Leafblade of Ease- HML 63, Hit harm 48, HSL 50, DI 40, UBWS
Kryss- SC no pen -24 mage wep, DCI 9, DI 19
Spear- hit fireball 40, DCI 10, SSI 25, DI 41, UBWS
Short Spear-HL 50, HCI 13, SSI 30, DI 50, snow ele slayer
War fork- HML 38, DCI 13, FC1, SSI 30, DI 43
War fork- HSL 50, HLA 32, HML 40, DI 50
Pike- HSL 40, Hit Harm 38, HCI 11, SSI 30, DI 39
Scimitar- HML 75, HSL 42, HLD 44, DI 40
Skinning Knife- SC no pen -24 mage wep
Kryss- SC no pen -24 mage wep, DI 40
Leafblade of Ease - hit harm 48, HML 49, HLA 42, SSI 20, DI 40, UBWS
Leafblade - hitfireball 44,Luck 92, DCI 13, SSI 25, DI 45
Leafblade of Ease - hit harm 40, HLD 44, SSI 25, DI 42, UBWS
Leafblade - HML 63, HLD 50, HCI 15, DI 50
Leafblade - HSL40, HL 32, HML 38, DCI 12, DI 37
Leafblade - hit harm 48,-20 mage wep, HLD 34, DCI 8, DI 33
Kryss- Magic arrow 50, HCI 15, DCI 14, DI 44, UBWS
Assassin Spike- HML 33, HLD 48, SSI 30, DI 44, UBWS

Valorite Chaos Sheild-30% durabilty, HCI 13, DCI 4, FC!, PR5, CR 3, PR 3, ER 3
Verite Bronze Sheild- SC, Reflect 4, HCI 13, DCI 13, -1, PR 3, FR 3, CR3, PR 3, ER 1
Valorite Metal Sheild- SC-1, HCI 13, PR 4, FR 1, CR3, PR 3, ER 3
Valorite Bronze Sheild- SC, 80% Durability, HCI 9, DCI 9, PR 4, CR4, PR 3, ER 3
Golden Chaos Sheild- Luck 40, HCI 11, DCI 4, fc 1, PR 2, FR 1, CR2, ER 2

Stitchers Mittens
Earrings of Protection in token form
Oak Leaf Cloak
Legacy token
Ring of Vile
Voice of fallen king

Please PM or ICQ with offers..ICQ # is 405-951-051