The time has come, folks! Krystal is 5 away from becoming the first PK to reach 10,000 murder counts! We'd love it if you'd like to come hang out with us for the event!
She has received PM's from many players with offers to be the 10,000th count. As you can imagine, it is difficult to pick just one person, so we'll make it an event and here is what we're doing...
We will squeeze all the players who want to participate into the Fight Night Arena. She will fire upon the crowd with a short bow/lightning special until players start dropping. We will be grabbing multiple screenshots to determine who the 10k count belongs to!
- If you wish to participate, come naked and bring nothing in your pack. We don't want you to lose anything in the chaos!
- Stable live mounts and pets in town.
The Stadium is just outside the Guardzone of Umbra. Check the map below for directions.
Our regular Fight Night will follow the event.
Stonehaven Stadium
Wednesday Night - 8:00 PM, US Central Time Zone
Please join us at our new location in East Umbra.
Dueling Rules: No fields, No Summons, No Pets, No Faction Arties, No Looting!
Spectators and New Players are welcome to join us! It's a great opportunity to meet other players without getting your head lopped off!
Please stable live mounts and pets in town.
Map to new location...

She has received PM's from many players with offers to be the 10,000th count. As you can imagine, it is difficult to pick just one person, so we'll make it an event and here is what we're doing...
We will squeeze all the players who want to participate into the Fight Night Arena. She will fire upon the crowd with a short bow/lightning special until players start dropping. We will be grabbing multiple screenshots to determine who the 10k count belongs to!
- If you wish to participate, come naked and bring nothing in your pack. We don't want you to lose anything in the chaos!
- Stable live mounts and pets in town.
The Stadium is just outside the Guardzone of Umbra. Check the map below for directions.

Our regular Fight Night will follow the event.
Stonehaven Stadium
Wednesday Night - 8:00 PM, US Central Time Zone
Please join us at our new location in East Umbra.
Dueling Rules: No fields, No Summons, No Pets, No Faction Arties, No Looting!
Spectators and New Players are welcome to join us! It's a great opportunity to meet other players without getting your head lopped off!
Please stable live mounts and pets in town.

Map to new location...