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[Fishing] Tokuno Ships +1 Fishing?



I had read where a Tokuno ship is +1 fishing(Galleon - UOGuide, the Ultima Online encyclopedia). If that's true, then on many of these posts where I've read about GM fishermen catching certain rare fish while others not (say like a random Blue Marlin without bait), was wondering if this might be some difference. Just noticed no one posting whether they were on a Tokuno or not. Or, I forget would it matter at a skill cap?


UOEC Modder
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Is not + 1 fishing skill... the devs said:
Players will receive a +1 to their skillfactor when fishing or lobster fishing from a Tokuno Boat.
So probably is a +1 chance to get something special?

James [W^H]

Slightly Crazed
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I have been developing a new fisherman on Pacific and landed a Blue Marlin at 98.2 skill level with no bait. I was on a Tokuno ship between Moonglow and Ice Island along the server line.



UO Forum Moderator
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Is not + 1 fishing skill... the devs said:
Players will receive a +1 to their skillfactor when fishing or lobster fishing from a Tokuno Boat.
So probably is a +1 chance to get something special?
No, it IS a skill boost, like what gargoyles get to Imbuing, or the bonuses at the Ter Mur Royal City soulforges..

A GM fisher on a Tokuno boat is effectively fishing with 101 skill, even though it doesn't display as such.

Tane Darkbane

Does anyone know if this allows dungeon fish quests at 105 skill?

ie in order to get a 110 scroll you would need to be at 105 fishing on a tokuno boat..

Feargal ATL

I am at 105, and always fish from a tokuno, and have not rec'd a dungeon fish quest


Interested to see the benefits. But if it is mostly increasing my chance of success right now, then it would be better for filling quests while my old boat might be better for hunting serps and SOSs, since they appear a % of the time of a failed attempt at fishing (all be it a small difference). If I am thinking correctly? Not that it would matter enough to change out boats often. Just crunching the numbers for thought.


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Feargal: Are you actually GETTING the quest while standing on the boat? Just owning it wouldn't work.

Most likely, it's like BODs, where it uses your real skill for quest determination. A person with 60 Blacksmith holding an ASH+60 still only gets the small normal irons that his 60 skill allows, after all.

The only effects I seem to see are the numbers of Yellowtail Barracuda and the one Marlin I've caught.

What are the Barracudas used for, again?