Dear UHOH,
I know things on chessy must be very busy for you guys owning everyone and all...but your friends on lake superior need help! I felt the need to reach out for them since they are too dillusional to think that they need it. Since you guys stopped playing over there it has been even numbers and quite frankly we need more of a challenge. I remember a few months ago you guys could pull 20+ easily what happened! Anyway, just thought I'd try to get the old gang back together again as things are getting quite desperate on LS. Thanks guys.
Your Friend,
I know things on chessy must be very busy for you guys owning everyone and all...but your friends on lake superior need help! I felt the need to reach out for them since they are too dillusional to think that they need it. Since you guys stopped playing over there it has been even numbers and quite frankly we need more of a challenge. I remember a few months ago you guys could pull 20+ easily what happened! Anyway, just thought I'd try to get the old gang back together again as things are getting quite desperate on LS. Thanks guys.
Your Friend,