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[Discussion] To Shine The Light For Beating The Dark Lady On Catskills (~150)

Ducan IronWeaver

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Did 150 of them really go out? I didn't make it to the event but got on after it was over. I talked to afew ppl and they said there was around 100-150 players there but not every person got a lantern.. Not sure how they got the number, but I was also told by 4 different players that 24 lanterns dropped.
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Dr Pet

Stratics Veteran
I am not sure what players told you this or how they got their number, in fact i am not sure on how anyone got their numbers. Alot of people died =). Only real way to find out exact numbers would be to email messana herself, im assuming.
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Alexander of ATL.

Rares Fest Host | Atl June 2013
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
How did she 'play' this game? Is it like the roulette or let's make a deal? or something completely different?


Lore Keeper
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Campaign Supporter
3 doors one win each round, 1 in 3 chance of getting a lantern unless your name is Decadence. I had 12 characters there, Hubby had 1. I won 1 lantern, hubby won 1 lantern. These are closer to my odds ^_^


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
How did she 'play' this game? Is it like the roulette or let's make a deal? or something completely different?
It was let's make a deal. It was new to me but as I understood it, there was a 1 in 3 chance to win every round. I wouldn't be surprised by high numbers. The EM hall was packed before the event. There were over 60 accounts brought in just from the hand full of friends, guild mates and my own accounts that I knew of.

Dr Pet

Stratics Veteran
Well if in case, if this is true the number of lanterns must be much lower than 150. Out of 34 accounts that i know of and now including ur 12 making it 46 accounts, only 16 lanterns were given.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I knew 4 people had 60 chars in it.

Guarantee winner each round.

The game lasted for ~90 minutes.

She was very efficient in getting a game off every 30 -45 seconds.
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