Lieutenant Barrett
I enclose a report as promised of the interrogation including the lines and responses Big Bob has given in Yew Prison. I hope this will aid in your investigation.
Lady Flame
*attached report*
I enclose a report as promised of the interrogation including the lines and responses Big Bob has given in Yew Prison. I hope this will aid in your investigation.
Lady Flame
*attached report*
[OOC Anyone who wish's can consider this report also sent to Guild and town leaders]Big Bob
Greetings - me no talk humie
Escape - Me gonna get out owt ere soon stooped oonie! Frendz *** oo wil rescu me!
Frendz - Tha be a secrut. Em *** frum long away and em kill oonies also!
Long - Em frendz *** from long away! We yews big bam bam nock nock brrrrrr.
Yew - We smash Yew soon! We dryve out em stooped guards! We wil *** wiv frendz!
Smash - We kil all you stooped oomies! We smash you towns! We can get in you towns!
Secrut - Nasty oomie want Big Bob’s secrut? Nasty oomie will get a scere! Ne smash oomie!
Rescu - Oomie fink Big Bob stooped? Fink Big Bob tell planz?
Fink - New urks fink big.
Urks - New urks ***! Em fink! Em fink a lot and em make fings!
Fings - Urks mayke fings from shinies and uvver fings we fiynde wat em tinkers mayke. We steles em!
Shinies - Fings which we dig up from grund and fings we stele frum em stooped oomies.
Tinker - Em mayke fings and we yeweses em. Bah! Run oomie afore I cal frendz and we smash!
Planz - Oomies wil see wat Urks can do now new urk ere! Me not afraid of oomies!
Ome - Secrut place we dug out long ago time. Hiden and sayfe from oomies! New orcs tell me!