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To Duke Irvyn *sealed and marked confidential*

Flame (DrR)

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
To Duke Irvyn *sealed and marked confidential*

Dear Duke Irvyn

I gave Nathan Hawke the key to Jordan Jurrel’s personal house in Minoc to use as I through that is what Jordan would have wanted. He then asked me to accompany him to the house and as we neared it I asked him if he was indeed a childhood friend of Jordan’s he would know which house it was and asked for him to lead the way. He admitted then that he could not even remember which house it was or even ever having lived in Minoc. But that he knew Jordan and his family from training together but could not remember when or where. This concerns me greatly as I know Jordan lived in Minoc with his parents till they were killed and left to train in Luna.

On entering the house I confronted Nathan that I have concerns about him and the ways he use to defend Sosaria. He at least acknowledged that he was not walking in the light but the shadows and that he would be more virtuous in the future. I am greatly concerned that he will never be able to do this and will lead people to accept that the virtues come second to getting the job done and the way Lord British lead us will no longer exist. He seems to have his heart in the right place but his tactics need watching and if possible guidance given in the virtues. Also his so call loses of memory on things is worrying as it has been realised that these orcs are creating mind control devices. I hope this is not the case with Nathan as they could be using him to gain access of your latest acquisition. There is many concerns here to watch for although I think his hearts in the right place.

Please take care and may the virtues guide and you protect you

Lady Flame


*a short sealed note is returned*

Lady Flame,

My thanks for your letter. This is indeed concerning. Perhaps we might discuss it briefly today, if you are at the meeting with Fynn Barrett later.


The personal seal of the Duke of Trinsic:
An eagle flying, holding the branch of a thornbush in its claws; surrounding are the words "Mine honour is my life; both grow in one; take honour from me, and my life is done."

Flame (DrR)

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Flame paced for some time thinking about Nathans recent behaviour. The hat, although she had to admit to herself that it did suite Nathan’s personality, but bought and worn at a most inappropriate time of tracking down the treasure of One Eyed Pete. The chaos shield that is worn by Vesper also seemed not a good choice. Then there was the many issue when she had given him the keys to Jordan Jurrel’s family home. Both Gwen and Duke Irvyn agreed that they had concerns of their own, with all this she felt there was something she had not quit put her finger on and it was nagging in the back of her mind. She decided to send letters to everyone who she trusted to ask if they had any concerns over Nathans recent behaviour.

[OOC if anyone has any thoughts as to if Nathan is or is not himself please forward that information here]


Good day,

Nathan was seen at the Bloody Thorn today, enjoying his tomato-soup or so we thought. But upon inspecting, he was 'drinking' from an empty bowl for at least fifteen minutes.

I found this rather bizarre.


Alexander Stormheart