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[Discussion] To Bless, or not to Bless...


Stratics Veteran
...That is the question.

I want to know all of your opinions in regards to blessing clothing items and other bless-able rares. Do you think it's a good idea? Do you think it devalues the item?

I like to dress up in my nifty rares and go out on the town once and a while. While I insure my items, I would hate to lose them if killed. I never wear my items with durability outside of town as to deplete their value by dinging them up, so don't worry! But I want to know if blessing a cape here, and a robe there is a good idea, and one that is practiced by the members of this fine community?!

Thanks :D


Stratics Legend
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I've been meaning to ask this same question for a long time. To me, it devalues. I Hate seeing a nice item that has been blessed by a player (if it came blessed, that of course is ok.) Durability you can get back to original, but once its blessed you cant get it back to its original state ever. I know to alot it doesnt matter, but i just hate dirtying up a clean rare with those extra letters.

To quantify, personally my max bid would be 10-20 percent less in a auction setting for item that has been blessed by a player.
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Nails Warstein

Royal Explorer & Grand Archaeologian Of Sosaria
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I use clothing bless deeds, item bless deeds, and powder of fortifying on every rare I can. I think it adds value. However I have been told you can't cut clothing that is blessed, and hence can't make anything out of its special color if it has one.

Ron Silverbeard

Stratics Veteran
It depends on the item..if it is something witout any durability on it, sure bless it
I tried to bless my Pacific Mesanna Lantern, i cant...and i cant imbue it to be spell channeling either which makes me SICKYYYYYY!


Stratics Legend
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I use clothing bless deeds, item bless deeds, and powder of fortifying on every rare I can. I think it adds value. However I have been told you can't cut clothing that is blessed, and hence can't make anything out of its special color if it has one.
You also can not imbue blessed items, which some people like to do on lower end rare wearables / weapons.

Assia Penryn

The Sleeping Dragon
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Some items it might lower the value ... but ask yourself... do you enjoy your item enough that it -really- matters? I blessed my dragon bone earrings and soon as I get my new lantern to Atlantic, I'll be blessing that too if possible. I don't see myself ever getting rid of either unless I quit and even if I did... whatever gold I might have lost in value from blessing them I will have gotten back 100x in being able to enjoy them safely. Don't worry so much about the financial aspect and enjoy your items and strut yourself around safely.
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Bon Iver

Rares Fest Host | Atl Sept 2011 & June 2013
Stratics Veteran
I use clothing bless deeds, item bless deeds, and powder of fortifying on every rare I can. I think it adds value. However I have been told you can't cut clothing that is blessed, and hence can't make anything out of its special color if it has one.
I thought you couldn't even cut up a unique colored event rare because it just poofs i.e. the blue necromancer robes.

Alexander of ATL.

Rares Fest Host | Atl June 2013
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I only bless items that i know 100% that i won't ever sell. Take my Blackthorn armor set pieces for instance, I'm a suit collector. I love that suit. I won't ever sell it. So it doesn't matter if the value decreases, because it is something that won't ever leave my hands.

But to put on the market, it would all depend what the buyer wants, but don't sell below market price because someone 'hates' the bless tag. Because there are plenty of people like me... who don't care if it's blessed or not. I will still pay the current going rate.

To me, that is like saying: This rubble piece has to little weight... I don't want it. Although, sell it to me for 75% less than what it's worth if you want to sell it. umm...?

That's just my .02 :)


Crazed Zealot
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I thought you couldn't even cut up a unique colored event rare because it just poofs i.e. the blue necromancer robes.

so much myths, just take them all to TC and find out once in for all what can and can't :)

Bon Iver

Rares Fest Host | Atl Sept 2011 & June 2013
Stratics Veteran
Oh I've tried cutting up the robe and it did go poof.


2011 Winter Deco Contest 1st Place
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I know I've blessed several of my rares. Things I know for a fact I'll likely NEVER sell, such as Pthorath, and my Crux Ansata items. I don't care if it adds values or detracts from it, all that matters to me is that it gives me a sense of security that I can don my favourite wearables and not have to worry about getting killed and losing them, or potentially having them stolen.

Ron Silverbeard

Stratics Veteran
Some items it might lower the value ... but ask yourself... do you enjoy your item enough that it -really- matters? I blessed my dragon bone earrings and soon as I get my new lantern to Atlantic, I'll be blessing that too if possible. I don't see myself ever getting rid of either unless I quit and even if I did... whatever gold I might have lost in value from blessing them I will have gotten back 100x in being able to enjoy them safely. Don't worry so much about the financial aspect and enjoy your items and strut yourself around safely.
I tried to bless my Pacific Mesanna Lantern and it tells me not possible - tried the item bless deed we got from the turn in system and a clothing bless ded (hey, you neer know hehe)
So Assia, if you manage to bless your lantern, pls let me know how ;)
I also tried to inbue it with SC, not possible....
To bad...


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
I think the drops should come pre-blessed whatever it is.