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Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
in this land we had a king
he was never married or had any children
for this that means there was no queen or any offsprings named in there title to the throne .
queen dawn is a fake , i mean really named queen by a mouse lol sure .

we have no dukes or duchesses
we have no prince or princess
we have no marquis/marquise
we have no count(earl) / countess
we have no viscount / viscountess
we have no baron (thane) / baroness
or baronet
what we do have is lords and ladys that run this land as are king would have done and under them or as some lords and ladys are knights that do there best to keep these lands protected these are the ones that are dedicated and show there respect and there honor to there real king lord british

he is and will only be the real ruler of this land none of us can fill his shoes unless he knights us and or gives us the honor of his titles , those that proclaim themselves are fakes

this is just my way of looking at things ,
thank you for your time
queen dawn your a fake and the servent that calls her self em florellia to me is a big liar and should be stricken from these lands . ty


while i may agree, these lands have been without a king for years... (don't know how many game days are in a real day, but still...) been what, around 9 years since british took his leave? and he was LORD BRITISH, who the people selected as the ruler after he defeated mondain

Salya Sin

I believe there was a vote for who would rule Britannia after Casca fell from the platform and well... his body is still where it fell... I never did see the actual poll... BAD SIN! but was told to go vote. I have no clue where the poll was placed but it seems to me that it is no different than the people who voted in Lord British.

It's funny... but I believe Otis was on the list... as I was told to go vote for Otis. How does it feel Otis to be that close to ruling Britannia... did it go to your head?

Otis Firefly

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
nope,,,but the land will not see the free ale and cookie day now... lmao!
never saw the poll myself either!! but i heard about it hahahaha

five oclock

nope,,,but the land will not see the free ale and cookie day now... lmao!
never saw that either but i heard about it hahahaha
ACK!!!!!! Free ale!!! and its never going to happen......ACK...run for it..

five oclock

Seriously tho...Tedley you are right..we HAD a king...BUT..he sold us out...hes off in la la land and we are still fighting the fight...whats wrong with this picture?

We get what we get...If its good or if its bad we have the choice to follow it or snub our noses to it and move along..Kinda like a king I know...But moving on....

If the true king came back...Im sure many people would flock to him...with many forgeting his betrayer to his people so long ago.

In all honestly...Our true king is just as bad if not worse than the new want to be kings and queens....for how much has changed since he left? for the good and for the bad.

Salya Sin

I do believe that Queen Dawn agreed to rule in our Kings absence... meaning that should he (like that will ever happen) return... she would then hand the kingdom back over to him.

Besides... somebody has to live in the castle or not only will the help abscond with the silver... but more than just Sherry will move in. Not to mention the fact that we'll end up with someone else taking over and who wants another Casca?

five oclock

I thought Sherry been living in the Fel castle for years now? :D hrm..who have I been sharing my Ale and fish with then?

Looks for Otis.....and Nine....


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
what part are you talking about otis ? the part on not locking down my rune for the holloween deco contest or the part of not takeing pictures to show people my entry ? sorry im lost ?

Otis Firefly

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
what part are you talking about otis ? the part on not locking down my rune for the holloween deco contest or the part of not takeing pictures to show people my entry ? sorry im lost ?
i was responding to Salya Ted

as for what you just said...which isnt in this thread anywhere....but now i see where your hostility toward the EM's began
this may come off as harsh but its not intended that way....

1. seems you have issues with an EM for not locking down your rune for the halloween contest?, did you follow the procedure for the contest entry? where did the mistake occur?

2. taking pictures to show the people your design is your responsibility to do or have someone do...you mentioned it during the coronation of Dawn while i was around and i did say i would try to see if i could do it for you..RL issues happend and i couldnt do it, that was very last minute and im not taking any slack because ya waited so long to find someone to take the screenys, sorry i couldnt take em but hey...we all have RL issues we have to take care of and my comp is a serious POS lmao

3, Honestly Ted? dont hold a grudge against the EM's for something as small as a house deco contest!! there is a new contest being held for a christmas design!!.....there is more then enough time for ya to enter into it..


eh, tedly sorry to disagree, the titles you speak of are bestowed upon courtiers, for exceptional services to the crown, in the abscence of atrue heir to the throne it falls to acouncil of reagents that serves only the kingdom as such this council is the dev's so we are stuck with their often pitiable choice of reagents to serve as figurehead IE casca the cowardly false king.


fiveoclock, will gladly take thine ale, but pass on the cookie in favor of atwinkee


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
what part are you talking about otis ? the part on not locking down my rune for the holloween deco contest or the part of not takeing pictures to show people my entry ? sorry im lost ?
Let it go man. Your going to give yourself a heart attack, not worth it for a halfassed UO event.


five oclock

I could go on a rant about having Ems and then not having Ems then having them again and how people complain about both sides of it..But I wont...

Im just going to sit here and drink my ale...Whos with me? :D

BTW the events are fun... :D