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time for a good old moan!

Lucy of Kenton

Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
during ToT3 (which im pretty sure in ToT1 they said it was a one off) i have hunted in the spot which has always been good to me, ie the demon room at the top of the stairs to the lowest level of the dojo, and in my time there have met some nice people but nearly all have the same thing in common ie:- scripting skills and talking to them they see nothing at all wrong with it which as friends know it makes me hopping mad! :wall:
also in my time there i have caught quite a few afk scripting and as an example yesterday, i arrived there and met a ghost next to the back wall, i heard OOoOOOO so i went to rez, did it and wasnt accepted so seeing the OOooOOO again and interpreting it as being a call for help such as 'sorry i cancelled it' but after 5 times i gave up but all the time it would appear and say OOoooOOO so worrying that they had a problem i called down (can i name people?) jackfla$h as he was on a necro and wanted him to see what it was saying. he duly arrived and by this time i had found a dead cu near the steps. every time a daemon spawned the ghost was saying 'all attack', this went on for 2 hours (the time it took a gm to respond).
DAMN IT MAKES MY BLOOD BOIL but i just know they arent getting any ban or bad mark. how about instead of a message to say 'we will look into it and do what is deemed necessary' you get message, well done you got the cheating scum have a gold star'

rant over, for the time being anyway.

Vincia Eaglehorn

there are out scripts for everything ... not all scripts are just for economy

there are scripts for looting, finding shadowlord bars etc etc etc .... all kind you can think off

so i would say the most players use a script

there are scripts for the new stuff in SA available already

and this is why EA is not interested to ban these players .... UO would be very empty and EA would lose the most of its costumers, quite simple

it would be very easy to find players using scripts ... just look which players are online 24/7, or at which accounts are huge resource increases in a short period of time .... same with skill gains etc etc. i am sure the server are running some statistics while the game is running ... just look into it and you find scripters


there are out scripts for everything ... not all scripts are just for economy

there are scripts for looting, finding shadowlord bars etc etc etc .... all kind you can think off

so i would say the most players use a script

there are scripts for the new stuff in SA available already

and this is why EA is not interested to ban these players .... UO would be very empty and EA would lose the most of its costumers, quite simple

it would be very easy to find players using scripts ... just look which players are online 24/7, or at which accounts are huge resource increases in a short period of time .... same with skill gains etc etc. i am sure the server are running some statistics while the game is running ... just look into it and you find scripters

Yep if your die you should NOTget anything. I KNOW I KNOW its unfair. But uh uh uh uh staying alive should be part of the game. Especially for monster drops.

jack flash uk

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
i would love to know how many players would RETURN if scripting was banished, by a daily piece of code that kill the universally know E****O

hey dev, take a browse there, see what can be done AND STOP IT!!!!!!!

oh and before knowalls come on and ask, why does it affect you?

EVERYWHERE, there are millions of new tok minors out there flooding the market with majors, AGAIN, everything is affected, and simply why should anybody be allowed to set up a script, go to bed, wake up with 30 tok minors, 1000k wood or ore, legendary skills



Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Why do you even need a script for hunting on a tamer, haven't they heard of pet guarding?


Why do you even need a script for hunting on a tamer, haven't they heard of pet guarding?
Well see...that way, they can go fishing IRL, while you and I sit at our computers, doing it the not cheating way.

So much better for them...Ugh...I really wish they would ban the lot of them.

Jack Flash has it right...ban all cheaters, and I am guessing that the Not Cheating folks would really line up in droves!


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It used to annoy me but what is the point in getting stressed when u cant do anything about it? im past caring what other ppl do now.
Tbh, If it annoy's you, do what i do, go somwhere else or play WoW.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Supporter
How hard can it be to code that you don´t get credit for anything when dead and nothing appears in your backpack when ressed?

It´s been abused for too long. Fix it devs!!!

They fixed it on farming silver so I guess that some kind of code already exists...


Yep if your die you should NOTget anything. I KNOW I KNOW its unfair. But uh uh uh uh staying alive should be part of the game. Especially for monster drops.
I still do not understand why they did not implement TOT 3 like the
10th anniversary drops...Visible and with in 16 tiles I believe.

jack flash uk

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I still do not understand why they did not implement TOT 3 like the
10th anniversary drops...Visible and with in 16 tiles I believe.
AGREED, dev pls answer this question, from what i have been told, you can take a pet to the Dojo, die let it go on a killing spree and when you get res'd all minors will be in yr back pack, gimme a break, is this true?????????


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
From what i gather from these boards, there is a delay after a patch with scripts working due to the writers having to update parts of their program aswell.
Cant the devs just put something into UO each maintenance so that the script program has to be changed each day aswell? Surly the script writers will get bored if they have to re-write scripts everyday to get them to work?


Well see...that way, they can go fishing IRL, while you and I sit at our computers, doing it the not cheating way.

So much better for them...Ugh...I really wish they would ban the lot of them.

Jack Flash has it right...ban all cheaters, and I am guessing that the Not Cheating folks would really line up in droves!
Would banning the account be good business for UO? For all we know these guys have multiple working accounts all over Sosaria.

Well maybe not perhaps a shame campaign and a provision much like if you shout on a guard to appear and wipe them out the map is more appropriate don't you think. I am sure those upstairs are aware of these cheats.

My, we even think they promote and encourage scripters but then again I do hope we are wrong.



Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
or...just let it be legal and level the playing field. Even lazy ol EA can type in the message its ok and be done with it already.

jack flash uk

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ok i know nothing about coding etc, but what i have read many, many times here is that input codes which allow "other" programs to access to the game system, were leaked out or made aware to 3rd party programs.

So why not change it

who needs to know?

UOASSIST and the few other approved program, what 4,5 of them? can you give them a call to tell them how to access the game code? email? simple

then this will block EVERYBODY else, cheaters will go elsewhere, genuine subs WILL go up

do you really was SA ruined by cheats like ML was?

with the extra revenue from active subs you could emply TEAMS of GM's in DIFFERENT countries to police the servers, ie not just USA teams that are in BED when europa cheating is rife?

Time to get tough here, filter out the crap, protect whats left, watch it grow strong!!!!!

and of course, tackle KAL VAS........... spammers aswell:)


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
DAMN IT MAKES MY BLOOD BOIL but i just know they arent getting any ban or bad mark.
You are wrong. Quite a lot of people down in that dungeon had been reported, and some of them I have never seen again. It can take 2 hours before a GM shows up, but many people are afk scripting half the day. So chances are good they will be caught.


Ok i know nothing about coding etc, but what i have read many, many times here is that input codes which allow "other" programs to access to the game system, were leaked out or made aware to 3rd party programs.

So why not change it

who needs to know?

UOASSIST and the few other approved program, what 4,5 of them? can you give them a call to tell them how to access the game code? email? simple

then this will block EVERYBODY else, cheaters will go elsewhere, genuine subs WILL go up

do you really was SA ruined by cheats like ML was?

with the extra revenue from active subs you could emply TEAMS of GM's in DIFFERENT countries to police the servers, ie not just USA teams that are in BED when europa cheating is rife?

Time to get tough here, filter out the crap, protect whats left, watch it grow strong!!!!!

and of course, tackle KAL VAS........... spammers aswell:)
Yea and maybe they should assign each player a scroll with a number on it that changes every 2 mins and sits at the top of your screen like your journal gump. And when a gm comes to check on you, you have to give them your number.

The question they'll ask is "Can I see your numbers please?"

This would cut down on the undesirables in this wunnerful game you play, wouldn't it? :coco:
I seem to remember reading about something similar that happened in another time, another place. I don't think it turned out real well... *cough*sarcasm*cough*

There's probably a better way to handle it, that doesn't include people babysitting/having nannys watch out for people who "make it unfair for me:("("me" meaing you since I dont give two shakes what most other people in this game are doing).

Besides THAT, I'm not entirely sure the job description of a GM is to "police" the shards.
Then again, I'm not entirely sure that it isn't.

As far as Kal Vas spammers...who wants to type it in repeatedly or keep pushing the same macro over and over when you can just que up your spam to 300 and let it handle itself? It's not like they're using some cheat code for it, it's there, it allows you to do that...what's the problem? Got a problem with it, just throw some blackrock on the ground in front of them.

As far as changing the code...the code that is currently used for alot (or all) of things in game didn't include "notes" on how the programming worked or how it was written. Supposedly, it would be impossible to change without throwing out the ENTIRE game and starting COMPLETELY OVER. I could look up the thread I saw this in, but I dont really feel like it when you could just as easily do it for yourself.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
or...just let it be legal and level the playing field. Even lazy ol EA can type in the message its ok and be done with it already.
I think that so many people use scripts in some form or another at this point that legalizing it would probably just be the best way to go.

Some scripts are little more than just setting a weight on a key, and if the people are afk then it's still going to be unattended so it'll still be bannable.