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Thursday Feb 14 2013

Sonoma EM Feed

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Stratics Veteran
Amonos took a deep breath. He admitted that Daniel was very good at what he did. The missive was precise and Urgent.
Amonos, Sgt at Arms
It has come to my attention that one of our “gargyles” is causing mischief again. I have reason to believe they might both be acting together this time.
Somehow Houses are falling from the sky and collapsing. I investigated on in Malas and am sure I saw Lem Klep there.
Please investigate further.

Amonos Set out to speak to the town Criers.
Call the guard Thursday. Have them meet me at the Serpenthold guard hall @ 6 PT 7 MT 8 CT 9 ET.
Instructions will be given.

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