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Throwing an Inferior Skill?


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Now is the time to provide feedback. Have you tried the Throwing Skill? Doese it fill Inferior to Archery? Doese it cause for a cramped template? What are your thoughts on this Skill?

My own personal feelings are its lacking, & needs some love. I`m not asking for a God Mode, but some adjustments to be done. So that its more inline with current skills.


Now is the time to provide feedback. Have you tried the Throwing Skill? Doese it fill Inferior to Archery? Doese it cause for a cramped template? What are your thoughts on this Skill?

My own personal feelings are its lacking, & needs some love. I`m not asking for a God Mode, but some adjustments to be done. So that its more inline with current skills.
Isn't Soul Glaive 18 - 22 damage @ 4seconds
That's pretty powerful


But only at a particular range.
Isn't it something like -47% DI at 5-6 tiles, and -12% HCI at 1-2?

It might be good for PVM, against a stationary opponent, but trying to chase someone and keep 3-4 range?


Now is the time to provide feedback. Have you tried the Throwing Skill? Doese it fill Inferior to Archery? Doese it cause for a cramped template? What are your thoughts on this Skill?

My own personal feelings are its lacking, & needs some love. I`m not asking for a God Mode, but some adjustments to be done. So that its more inline with current skills.
What specifically are you talking about, can you give some examples that need changing?


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Best example I could give is go to test & play around with it. You will catch what I mean then.

Experiment with close quarters combat, & then try distance combats at varous ranges. Add Parry to your template, then add swords. Look at your skills management compared to an ABC archer.

I`d say the Devs have made it as tight as possable for a Garg Thrower to compete with existing Professions or Skills.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
yeah it seems wierd to have different damages/hit chance penalties/bonuses at different distances. I suppose you could get a really good feel for distances and setup quick weapon-switching macros in the new client for pvp purposes.. but that's quite a bit of micro management.

If, hypothetically, you were really good at switching and managed to be using the perfect weapon all the time at any given distance, would you always be under a bonus? Or always just at 100% efficiency? If you'd be under a bonus, then it'd be worth getting used to the ranges because you'd have an advantage. If perfecting the art simply kept you from being penalized however.. then it's an inferior skill, hands down.

Though... arcing to different targets, thats cool.


Think I want to know is...
Why can't gargoyles use bows?
Or to accept that drawing might be an issue with horns and wings, what about crossbows?
And on the other side of things, did the gargoyles buy the exclusive rights to "chucking things"?


But only at a particular range.
Isn't it something like -47% DI at 5-6 tiles, and -12% HCI at 1-2?

It might be good for PVM, against a stationary opponent, but trying to chase someone and keep 3-4 range?
Does the berserk ability modify those things at all?
I have not purchased the upgrade so I have not tested this myself. I'm kinda curious how berserk + bushido would work out


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It would be like Divine Fury + Bushido when your low on hit points. Which is not really a good thing.

Most Gargs are going to be spell casters. & a Spell Caster low on hit points doesen`t need any negatives to their defense.


Best example I could give is go to test & play around with it. You will catch what I mean then.

Experiment with close quarters combat, & then try distance combats at varous ranges. Add Parry to your template, then add swords. Look at your skills management compared to an ABC archer.

I`d say the Devs have made it as tight as possable for a Garg Thrower to compete with existing Professions or Skills.
Well, for one thing, I've tested as a gargoyle thrower/mage/mystic during beta, so I think I have a pretty good idea of how I'm going to be using this skill. Example, in beta I didn't use parry on my thrower. Shield give penalties in close combat, etc. I use swords with my thrower to give me advantage in close quarters. Not that I got into close combat a lot of the time, mind you. But, it does have its advantages if you're using the right weapon, etc.

I think throwing is about the same as archery. Sure it needs a tweak or two here and there but I wouldn't go so far as to write it off as an unmanageable skill.

Your original post is too vague for anyone to guess what specifically you think needs tweaking. That's why I asked the question to begin with.


Think I want to know is...
Why can't gargoyles use bows?
Or to accept that drawing might be an issue with horns and wings, what about crossbows?
And on the other side of things, did the gargoyles buy the exclusive rights to "chucking things"?
Throwing is the gargoyles equivalent to archery. Says it somewhere on the SA website if I recall correctly.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There are varous penalietes involved with range. Don`t foget you don`t have to have shields to parry. You can also have a Bushido + Parry Template to.

After playing around with in on test for awhile. Anyone that has played with Throwing will know its not Vague at all.

Garg Throwers are exetremely gimped compared to an ABC archery. The only advantage they have is not running out of ammo.

Archers do not suffer a penality in close combat quarters to use their skills. Nor do they require a second combat skill to remain effective with their primary weapon. A archery with 120 Archery has a much better chance to avoid getting hit than someone with 120 throwing. Explain to me how they can block with a bow with NO PENALIlTY.


I don't have SA yet but I do remember one of the Devs saying that Throwing will take a bit of play before its potential is fully realised.

They said it will need to be played around with a bit and the secrets kinda "unlocked" (discovered) and when this happens people will love it.



There are varous penalietes involved with range. Don`t foget you don`t have to have shields to parry. You can also have a Bushido + Parry Template to.

After playing around with in on test for awhile. Anyone that has played with Throwing will know its not Vague at all.

Garg Throwers are exetremely gimped compared to an ABC archery. The only advantage they have is not running out of ammo.

Archers do not suffer a penality in close combat quarters to use their skills. Nor do they require a second combat skill to remain effective with their primary weapon. A archery with 120 Archery has a much better chance to avoid getting hit than someone with 120 throwing. Explain to me how they can block with a bow with NO PENALIlTY.
The fact that you've twisted my words to infer I meant something other than what I intended, leaves me with no desire to contribute one way or another to this topic.

I said I've played with the skill rather extensively in beta. Your snide remark not only negates that, it serves no purpose other than tostoke your ego. I never said the skill itself is vague, I said your original post is vague.

All I am or was asking is for specifics on what aspects of throwing you thought were weak or needed fixing. You have since given great examples of what you meant but it took a couple of posts to get that out of you.

No sense thinking of having constructive conversation, if words are blatantly twisted to suit another's agenda.

My original intent has been met so I shall move on. G'day.


I don't have SA yet but I do remember one of the Devs saying that Throwing will take a bit of play before its potential is fully realised.

They said it will need to be played around with a bit and the secrets kinda "unlocked" (discovered) and when this happens people will love it.

That's why I love it and look forward to playing this skill to its fullest potential.

I would like this to be my final post in this thread so I will leave with this thought . . .

Everything about SA's content is new and still evolving. Like everything else, it takes time to learn and fix real/unintended or perceived flaws. In the mean time, we contribute to that evolution with our constructive feedback, as been proven over and over again, throughout the life of Ultima Online and its many expansions.



if you like to stand right next to the MOB your going to hate throwing nd think it's week.if your and archer who runns ahead stops and lets the MOB walk to you while you nail them your going to think throwing is weak. If you play a tammer at all and are use to lead taming and keeping it at a set distance you realise you just have to change how far away it is your going to love throwing and relise how strong it it


I think its awesome in PvM, it takes a long time to master the art of maintaining the most beneficial distances but once you have it, it has very nice DPS.

Although It will be practically useless in PvP for a while.

Also enjoy how varying the throwing templates are, there's no end to how gimpy you can be!