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Throw Back Thursday...post your nostalgia pics!


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Back in 2014 when I was excited about Christmas Deco


One of my favorite 18x18's I ever designed


2011 when Larisa was perma red o_O


And last but not least, thanks to Cassie Darksong who got me into doing auctions, my second auction house on Origin circa 2013


I Hate Skilling
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Designing Christmas trees in a backpack for contests.

The Zog historian

Babbling Loonie
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From 1998, post-noto, in the days of tank mages wearing full plate and wielding heavy crossbows. My first GM took the screenshot, super small in the days of squeezing in a 640x480 UO window and ICQ.

That was my own tank in the French blue. I got in war mode but realized I couldn't attack. I think Khellendros had noto PKd my GM in whatever dungeon it was, which is why Khellendros was gray to him but not me. We gated my GM's ghost into town quickly enough, he got ressed, and he geared up to go back. Then suddenly who should quickly recall to the same bank we were using? My GM had a heavy crossbow of power, but more importantly it was one of those pre-patch heavies of incredible damage. It killed Khellendros in two hits.

No one messes with KDL not even this guy.jpg


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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I love seeing these old screenshots! I started in 2003 so I missed a WHOLE lot.

The Zog historian

Babbling Loonie
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The invasion of Trinsic, February 1999. Before the monsters came in, there was a jerk of a thief who said something it was time to pop everyone's trapped pouches, so he snooped everyone he could and did just that. Monsters didn't paralyze quite as often as now, but with all the liches and gazers around, one paralysis could mean death.

A GM (perhaps a seer) noticed that one of my friends had teleported inside the half walls, so the former decided to spawn a whole bunch of skeletons to kill him. His screenshot.


These are from a Papua invasion on Catskills, April 2004.

Catskills chaos.png ruh roh orc brutes.png


I Hate Skilling
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I logged onto photobucket and have to clean out a bunch of pics.

From 2007 Its called Mag. not sure what was going on but some old LS names are here.
@Gidge Look you or hubby is there!!!! [confirmed was Magincia]
I still have that orange robe...
Last edited:


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I have so many fun old screenshots, from KR and just from that era. 1607992442755.png

Or when Evil Twins became a thing which was super fun!


Or some of the old Atlantic events, it was so exciting to do stuff like this back in the day!


I wish I still had my 3D screenshots, here is one from Exodus with some old Necromancer I had!



I Hate Skilling
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When we could dance.

Not sure what was going on here but it looks painful. Still have the Dog.

Trick or treat gone bad:

Chicken dance?

You see I basically played then to entertain myself.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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These are some fun pics... Very old Yew Town Council Meeting, my character Willa in the CC and in 3rd Dawn... Dupre from Blackthorns Funeral... And the day I thought it would be fun to do some herding on Ice Isle...


a wizard

The invasion of Trinsic, February 1999. Before the monsters came in, there was a jerk of a thief who said something it was time to pop everyone's trapped pouches, so he snooped everyone he could and did just that. Monsters didn't paralyze quite as often as now, but with all the liches and gazers around, one paralysis could mean death.

A GM (perhaps a seer) noticed that one of my friends had teleported inside the half walls, so the former decided to spawn a whole bunch of skeletons to kill him. His screenshot.

View attachment 114603

These are from a Papua invasion on Catskills, April 2004.

View attachment 114604 View attachment 114605
From which server is the Trinsic Invasion screenshot taken?

The Zog historian

Babbling Loonie
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That one was from Sonoma. The invasion should have been much the same on the other shards. Ah, sorry, it was February 2000, now that I see the JPG's timestamp.


Lore Keeper
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The First house placed by BoE. It was in the Brit Farms. It was an account with 2 homes. To this day we don't know why it fell. :( We made a lot of money out of this little home selling things since it was safe in the guard zone.

This is Brutus and Djas Puhr doing UO's tiniest place to do a t-map!
The last two are of the battle in Trinsic. BoE was in Black and Purple capes. Those are our colors. It was a hard fought battle.
Trinsicbattle1.jpg Trinsicbattle2.jpg


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Lord British visit and his sword..
This certainly brings back memories!! Not so much from that screenshot in particular but if you look at what one player said "Can I have your sword"... I always remember the GMs/Seers showing up with some elite weapon like that and every single time at least one or 2 people would say "Can I have your weapon".

I don't have any screenshots of it but I remember maybe 20 years ago or so doing some Brit Graveyard seer type stuff where basically the Seer just dropped a few high end monsters and I think eventually the seer into one that had a plate suit made with some non-ingot color (looked like agapite but lighter)... when he died it dropped everything it was wearing too. I think I grabbed a piece like gloves or something and had them for years until my subscription lapsed and my house fell. I always thought that was so cool and wanted to be a seer for the longest time just so I could do something like that where I made myself into a monster to terrorize the town before being killed by the mob.


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Wholly crap! That was 13 years ago! Time surely flies..Still with fond memories of that event, later left again, came back again, left again and back again..I liked the visuals from the light Dems exploding and all the other stuff there. Fun event!
Yeah. I was actually thinking yesterday how crazy it is that the time between today and the Magincia Invasion is longer than between the invasion and when UO first launched..


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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Strange... I miss the real Magincia... I hate the trailerpark... anyone have some nice pictures of the Real Magincia?


I Hate Skilling
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I wish I knew more about what was going on back then. I don't think I got any rubble. I just got the threads.
And also wish I chose Bane instead of Ophidian. All those Bane dragons I killed would have made nice pets today.


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Glorious Lord
Pawain, you had to kill the bane riders to get the banes to tame, so you where on the right team.


I Hate Skilling
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Pawain, you had to kill the bane riders to get the banes to tame, so you where on the right team.
Ok, but I was using my Paladin so no Banes for me. I remember killing those also.


Seasoned Veteran

My rune library, maybe circa 2001? Its big draw that earned it a ton of traffic was a working rune to the Star Room.


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View attachment 114705

My rune library, maybe circa 2001? Its big draw that earned it a ton of traffic was a working rune to the Star Room.
The days of refreshing a house. Can't plan on anything that would keep you away from the game for more then a week. Learned the hard way not to trust others. Came back from a 2 week vacation and a 3rd of my houses where gone.