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    Please read the new announcement concerning the upcoming addition to Stratics. You can find the announcement Here!

Threshold RPG - Summer Recruitment and Playign Time Drive


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Summer is a time where people often drift away from online games to other hobbies. That is unacceptable! We'd like to put a stop to that! :)

We have a number of major events going on right now that are designed to reward people for trying out the game (or even help older players try out new character concepts).

Threshold RPG - http://www.thresholdrpg.com - Threshold is the longest running professional, RP required, online game on the internet. If you want rich RP along with everything else an online fantasy RPG has to offer, Threshold RPG is the game for you.

  1. New Character Milestones: As a special encouragement to new characters, we have the following bonus rewards for characters that reach any of the following milestones between now and August 31st, 2009. When you reach level 5 or 10 for the first time, you will receive the rewards listed below it:

    Reach Level 5:

    25,000 xp (enough xp to also gain guild level 5)
    5,000 coin
    5 ThreshCredits

    Reach Level 10:

    100,000 xp
    10,000 coin
    10 ThreshCredits​
  2. Challenge of New Blood: Almost every single game leadership position is currently up for grabs. Guildmasters, High Priests, Dueling Champion, Arcanus Champion, Chess Grandmaster, and more are all available for straight up competition or political wrangling - whatever works!

    We also have some very interesting changes coming to the religion system in general that will open things up for all players (which makes things especially easier on new players to get involved).

  3. Recommended Playing Times (RPTs): Recommended Playing Times are periods of a few hours, scheduled in advance, where we recommend that players try to get online. Something interesting, cool, or special will happen during that phase. Examples include special RP events, special combat events, games, double experience points, half price food, gifts from the King. RPTs are generally scheduled for multiple days in a row - for example, we are in the middle of one right now that runs from Thursday to Sunday, every night between 9pm and midnight. RPTs are a great time to login and do something really exciting and entertaining.

  4. Registration Bonus for Recruiting: Anyone who recruits a player that eventually becomes a citizen, will receive a $25 registration credit of their own. Threshold is free to play, with optional extras you can purchase. This is a great way for people who do not want to pay anything to still obtain those "perks" for themselves.

  5. New Content: We have quite a bit of new content ready for release this summer. This new content includes new guild abilities, a new religion/ethos system as noted above, a system for rewarding those who defend cities against invaders, new pet system content, a world drop system for interesting rare items, and more!

  6. Just Play, Baby!: We have something fun that will release soon that simply rewards people for logging on and playing. There will be more information posted about that soon. Watch this thread!

See you online!