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[Price Check] Threads of Fate, Life, Thought Rare?

Pickaxe Pete

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hi folks. :) Is the thread of fate, thread of life, and thread of thought considered rare at all now or are they basically just worth the 900 clean up points? Thanks in advance. Pete


Colorblind Collector
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hi folks. :) Is the thread of fate, thread of life, and thread of thought considered rare at all now or are they basically just worth the 900 clean up points? Thanks in advance. Pete
There are 10 "different" types of each i think that can't be stacked with each other. Between each of those i don't know if there is any one that is more rare than the others.

I have 980 total still of the various threads and a few cloaks of corruption i could turn into the robes. So i don't think they are "rare" but they are considered a rare in that they don't spawn anymore.

Pickaxe Pete

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thank you, Pfloyd. I think between the two of us we make it not very rare. However, I think I will chuck mine, because at the gold conversion rate (100/point) they would have to be worth at least 90k each after the cleanup ends to be worth keeping. I just don't see them fetching 90k each. :)