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Thread tags, yes or no?

Does Pacific need thread tags?

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 55.6%
  • No

    Votes: 4 44.4%
  • Other

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


The Stratics staff has been debating whether to thread tags into shards.

So far, Baja and Cats have done so.

Baja tags are: OT, Player Event, Player News, Question, RP.

A sample of Baja is at:

The question for the Pac regulars is:
Does Pacific have any need for these?

If you answer other, please explain.


I voted no. I see no benefit of using them on our shard forum.

We don't have a regular RP community. Thus the RP and OT tags make no sense.

We have few player run events/news... but we have our news reporters who post appropriately. And those events/news that pop up are titled well enough to understand what they are.

We don't have a dedicated PvP thread and in most cases, the PvP threads are appropriately labeled.

I'll let this post/poll run for about a week or so... or till I see an approximate number of votes equal to regular posters to pass along the info.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Just a small aspect of clarification
(OT) means Off topic, and is therefore not connected with roleplay. Mostly acceptable (OT) threads might be discussing the superbowl, well wishes to a poster who is ill etc, things that are of interest to the shard, but not about uo.
(Question) highlights any thread where someone needs information. eg, 'where do lesser hiryu spawn?'
(player event) - self explanatory. If you've posted a tourney in the event board you might want a thread to make arrangements about it.
(player news). Opened a new shop? Set up or moved your vendor? any other 'news' that's not really 'reporter' worthy?
You can also 'filter' by these tags, so if you don't want to read the rest of the board, you can just read the threads with the filter that interests you. Only one of these tags is for roleplayers.


Not only no...HELL TO THE F'N NO....PVP only thread big muble of trash.


Not only no...HELL TO THE F'N NO....PVP only thread big muble of trash.
Juvi... no chance of a single PvP only thread. I think Pac has had reasonable success with allowing the PvPers to "run wild" with separate threads.

Petra, is the list you put up the only one available? Or are "custom" ones available for each shard?

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It's an initial set. I don't want to have to make a different set for every shard, but I can add or change them. I deliberately didn't put a 'pvp' 'pvm' tag in the set, because I know some shards have one thread for pvp and some shards are predominantly pvp.
The options for filtering allow you to choose filters by specific prefix, by no prefix and by any prefix.
'any prefix' would show the entire thread list
'no prefix' would block out all the threads using a prefix, leaving all those not using one.
Using a prefix is not compulsory. Even if I put them on, you could just ignore them.

If you want to highlight your thread by adding an appropriate tag you can do so, they are optional, if you don't want to use them, don't.


Dont most of the peoples post already tell you what the topic is about?

I see maybe making a stick (Help with this or that) Or a Sticky Joke's. Other then that i think pac is has some of the best boards.


I voted no, simply because I don't think it's really necessary for Pacific's forum.