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72 visits after 2 hours and noone dares to say he feels fooled about what was spreaded and changed and spreaded and changed over the last 4 months? you are not member of the privileged group that knows all the important stuff you dont know? you spended some billions of gold for useless ressources and now the friends of the privileged laugh at you because they knew long before?
ok i understand. i wouldnt post then too.
Or you could take responsibility for your own actions and read the posted changes, read the crafters forum, do some investigation before you blame others for your mistakes.
The 'priviliged few' didn't know that things would change. They used their common sense and knew that the reason for a beta test is to find out where things need to change.
When a game is in Beta any thing and everything is liable to change as feedback accumulates and the developers assess it.
Buy nothing based on early designs of new systems because they're liable to change. That's not 'prior knowledge' or 'priveliged information' it's common sense.
Investing in futures can net you lots of money, but that happens because there's a risk involved.
If you had bought the right ingredients cheap (whatever they happen to be at the moment of release), somebody else would have posted the very same question because THEY would have lost money.
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