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Thoughts on Your First Impressions

Uriah Heep

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
For me, very positive.
Much better than KR, altho after the first impression of KR, no changes could have made me like it. SA is a lot better, runs better on my system, faster.

Suggestions, and I hope they are taken as constructive:

1. At times I run sideways, mounted on an ethy Ossie.
2. I sit on the Ossies head, or else I am half falling off one side of him.
3. For the gardener's eyesight, brighten up the - next to the water icon, please.
4. Crystal balls, snowglobes, some candles, all seem to blink in and out, there one minute gone the next, then back again...and not always in sync with each other?
5. Attempted to do Travesty with SA, everytime I accepted the party invitation, SA closed down. Completely. Back to windows desktop, requiring complete restart. Finally gave up and went and did other things. No error messages, no nothing...just "poof".
6. Again, for the gardeners, make the difference in empty pitchers and full pitchers a bit more noticeable, without having to mouse over (picky I know, and it may just be my monitor)

All in all, a good ride so far. And it IS just beta...

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Improvements from KR:

- Stability and Performance
- Target: Stored
- Use Item Type for tools (you no longer have to completely rebuild digging macros for mining)
- Show Tracker
- Even larger gameplay windom options (fully freeform game window can be resized up to at least 3 monitors big)
- Better Radar/Atlas map graphics
- Edit to add Patch system: UO always had a good patch system, SA's is even better. No more incremental patching even from fresh install. You simply patch ONE TIME up to the current version, no more to to, etc. Now it's to directly.

DOWNGRADES from KR (and even 2d or 3d):

- Graphics: reduced resolution from even the earlier versions of SA
- Models resolution reduced from earlier SA/KR
- Crafting Menus: Lost functionality from KR
- Atlas waypoints: Lost functionality from KR
- Hotbar hued item bug still present
- 2d item artwork too small in UI grids (Try telling the difference between a ring, black pearl and a gem in the SA UI grids without mousing over them on a 19in or better monitor)
- Radar Map circle too small
- Custom UIs not working
- Item stacking does not work as nicely as it did in KR
- Still has many UI bugs that are FIXED in KR custom UIs and CUstom UI features that should have become standard are not added
- Character models were shortened
- Legacy graphics distort outside of "native" zoom levels (which on larger monitors is miniscule)


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I really like it. I can't wait to see how it will look when it's finalized and further down the road.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It definitely needs work, but that's what a beta is for.

I'm impressed with it so far.


I'm in pressed it is so much better than K R when I tried the beta of it. I can actual move around in this and The chat is much better.
The overview map is better.
I like the animals a lot better then KR . A cow looks like a cow a deer like a deer. The Monsters are impressive.
The house decoration and house look much better than K R. I still love 2 d looks, but this is workable.
I think it will make crafting better. Not so sure with mining, have not found out how do do last object last key.
I don't know about fighting with the new interface. uoa has me so spoiled, with the bandage self . I think that if there is a mob my computer may lag to the point of none movement. Then again I have the min.. requirements to run SA client.
I don't like how my feet drag the ground when riding a horse. The graphic of books and things are to small. I don't like how small the type is and that there is no way that I have found yet to make it bigger. Its almost to small for me to read.
The zoom is OK but if I'm in the farest away view I lag to much. I have to play it in the closest mode, but in that mode I move as well as 2-d.
All in all If I had to play uo in it I could but I would not do as much as I do now.
edit : I have found out how to mine and its pretty cool.
I don't however like the delete char button so close to the play game on log in menu. I have almost hit it several times with this funky mouse of mine


Ok this is my first impression after about 20 min of me testing it out so far. Im in process of messing with things to see if I can get my guy to move a little smother. He seems kinda jerky. I timed a loop around luna at 52 secs then switched to 2d and did it in about 47. Not a huge diff but it just seemed alot longer with SA client because he didnt move fluidly.

Also things seem a little blurry when I move. Made me have to blink my eyes alot. If anyone has some suggestions on how to fix this so it dont hurt my eyes that would be cool.

So far I like it better than KR.