Was hoping to get others thoughts on revamping the Item ID skill. I was thinking that Item ID could be used in conjunction with items generated with the Random Magic Item Generation System.
Specifically, a GM craftsman (e.g., blacksmith or tinker) using Item ID could identify (and modify) the "hidden" powers of a randomly generated magic item. For example, a ring with 5% SSI, could be converted to a 10% SSI ring.
In particular, I was thinking that Item ID could do the following:
The nice thing about this is that Item ID would no longer be a useless skill, and it would also be a way to tweak those magic items that would be great if only they were a bit more powerful or had a different property.
Specifically, a GM craftsman (e.g., blacksmith or tinker) using Item ID could identify (and modify) the "hidden" powers of a randomly generated magic item. For example, a ring with 5% SSI, could be converted to a 10% SSI ring.
In particular, I was thinking that Item ID could do the following:
- Enhance (discover optimum usage) - e.g., turning a bracelet with 5% SSI into 10% SSI). At 50 skill, a random item can be enhanced. At 80 skill, a particular item can be enhanced.
- Reveal (discover hidden power) - e.g., discover that a bracelet (that originally did not have any SSI) actually could be modified to have SSI on it. Minimum Item ID skill: 80
- Cleanse (discover how to remove negative property) - e.g., discover how an item's curse can be removed. GM Item ID required.
- Convert (discover how one item property could be converted into another property (e.g., converting a ring with +15 ninjitsu to +15 animal taming). Increasing Item ID skill means more control over the conversion process.
- Combine (discover how to combine two item properties into a different but more powerful item property) - e.g., combining +5 ninjitsu and +5 spirit speak and converting them into +10 animal taming.
The nice thing about this is that Item ID would no longer be a useless skill, and it would also be a way to tweak those magic items that would be great if only they were a bit more powerful or had a different property.