Just thought why not post what you might like to see on a change to the certain event concerning game play.
For me biggest problems are the lag and cramped area on the waste site. I have not figured out where the other locations are yet but I'm just after a few cloaks then I'm done
My suggestions:
1) make it spawn outside the hut in the general is fine.
2) players can only spam once a minute the phrase
3) perhaps have the monster split into two more monsters at half health
and goe back to full health again. Then you have three of them to kill
and each one gives a cloak to the top damager of each one.
4) perhaps have more punch that these monsters give out so thier not
defenceless but make it more of a challenge to the players.
Perhaps I am jumping the gun here and thiers more in store for us down the road. And oh BTW thank you for all the work the devs have done on the event esp changing the timing to be every 2 hours for the casual players to have a chance at a cloak and some fun etc etc.
For me biggest problems are the lag and cramped area on the waste site. I have not figured out where the other locations are yet but I'm just after a few cloaks then I'm done
My suggestions:
1) make it spawn outside the hut in the general is fine.
2) players can only spam once a minute the phrase
3) perhaps have the monster split into two more monsters at half health
and goe back to full health again. Then you have three of them to kill
and each one gives a cloak to the top damager of each one.
4) perhaps have more punch that these monsters give out so thier not
defenceless but make it more of a challenge to the players.
Perhaps I am jumping the gun here and thiers more in store for us down the road. And oh BTW thank you for all the work the devs have done on the event esp changing the timing to be every 2 hours for the casual players to have a chance at a cloak and some fun etc etc.