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Thou seemest to anger the beast

J. E. Tamer

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
(Why is the use of Elizabethan English in the game inconsistent? Ah well, it could be worse. Richard Garriott can't spell 'Dastard' ever; as I recall, there were four different spellings of that in Ultima IV and NONE of them were correct.)

Which wild animals will be angered at a taming attempt? Hath anyone a list mayhaps?


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
Be it a good pet then likely it be angered...

Unicorns and Kirins don't get angry unless'en you are of bad reputation...

CuSidhe get very angry... But aggressive pets like Hiryu, dragons, and such already want you dead...

Skree tend to anger... and so do strangely Raptors... which honestly want to kill you anyway so they should already hate you no need to say they get angry... most all the big cats get angry... Tigers, Lions, Sabertooths o'my...

Most of the dino's get angry as well... but they too mostly want you dead already so that maketh no sense...

thou shouldst just be wary whenever thou might go attempting to subdue a creature...